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Congressional Fellowships

A unique public policy learning experience for PhD scientists and engineers.

Congressional Fellowships

The application deadline for both of Optica's 2023-2024 Congressional Fellowships is 06 January 2023.  Click here to apply.

Congressional Fellowships are designed to provide a unique public policy learning experience, demonstrate the value of science-government interaction and bring technical backgrounds and external perspectives to the decision-making process in the U.S. Congress. Fellows spend one year working in Washington, D.C. as special legislative assistants on the staff of a member of Congress or congressional committee, beginning in September.

This program, as well as many other fellowship programs, is facilitated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and includes an orientation on congressional and executive branch operations and a year-long seminar program on issues involving science, technology and public policy.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. by the start of the program (September).

Qualifications and Application Requirements:
Optica cosponsors two congressional fellows each year.  For more details about the program, requirements and application process for each fellowship, click on the respective links below:

Optica/MRS Congressional Fellowship Program

Arthur H. Guenther Congressional Fellowship Program
Previous Webinars Available for Viewing

Congressional Fellowship Q&A Information Session - FiO Conference 02 November 2021

Read more about the Congressional Fellowship experience

Optics and Photonics News has done several articles about the Congressional Fellowship:


If you would like to speak to an Optica representative about these programs, please contact:
Brandy Dillingham
Government Relations Manager
Office: +1.202.416.1409

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