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Honorary Members

The most distinguished of all member categories, Honorary Membership is awarded to individuals who have made unique, seminal contributions to the field of optics.

The roster of living Honorary Members demonstrates the high stature of this designation: Alain Aspect, Milton Chang, Steven Chu, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Joseph H. Eberly, Elsa M. Garmire, Joseph W. Goodman, John L. Hall, Theodor W. Hänsch, Stephen E. Harris, Erich Ippen, Donald B. Keck, Herwig Kogelnik, John C. Mather, William D. Phillips, Donna Strickland, David J. Wineland and Amnon Yariv.

Honorary Members are elected by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors upon nomination by the Presidential Advisory Committee and unanimous endorsement by the Awards Council.  The number of living Honorary Members cannot exceed two-thousandths (2/1000) of the total membership of the society.

Honorary Members receive a complimentary lifetime membership and other special recognitions of their distinguished status, including complimentary meeting registrations and journal subscriptions.


Any member may nominate someone to the status of Honorary Membership by sending a 1-page, advocacy statement discussing the candidate to or mail to: 

Awards Office 
2010 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC, USA 20036

Nomination Deadline: 1 May


Alain Aspect

Alain Aspect

For illuminating fundamental aspects of the quantum-mechanical behavior of single photons, photon pairs and atoms and transforming our understanding of the quantum world


Donna T Strickland

Donna T Strickland

for major contributions to Optica and to the optics and photonics community through pioneering innovative research, exemplary leadership, and exceptional service as a role model for young scientists and engineers


Joseph H Eberly

Joseph H Eberly

For pioneering contributions to the foundations of quantum optics theory and for his dedicated service to the optics community and visionary leadership in promoting international cooperation in optics research


Milton M T Chang

Milton M T Chang

For his visionary and inspirational leadership in building companies and fostering entrepreneurship in photonics, and his generous, ongoing support of OSA


Erich P Ippen

Erich P Ippen

For laying the foundations of ultrafast science and engineering, as well as providing inspiring leadership to the optics community


Elsa M Garmire

Elsa M Garmire

For contributions to nonlinear optics and optoelectronics, leadership in linking science and public policy, and for service to OSA


Joseph W Goodman

Joseph W Goodman

For fundamental contributions in the fields of Fourier Optics and Optical Information Processing through his research, teaching and classic textbooks


Amnon Yariv

Amnon Yariv

For pioneering scientific and engineering contributions to photonics and quantum electronics that have profoundly impacted lightwave communications and the field of optics as a whole


David J Wineland

David J Wineland

For pioneering advances in laser cooling of ions together with unprecedented control of individual ions in foundational experiments of quantum optics and quantum information


John C Mather

John C Mather

For measuring, with his COBE team, the cosmic background radiation and its anisotropy with amazing precision from 50 to 600 GHz. The temperature of the Big Bang radiation was determined as 2.725 +/‐ 0.001K. According to the Nobel committee the COBE project can be regarded as the starting point of cosmology as a precision science


Nick Holonyak, Jr.

Nick Holonyak, Jr. *

For fundamental, inventive and widely influential contributions to optics and photonics including the visible LED and the quantum well diode laser, technologies underlying solid-state lighting, the internet, and high performance computing


Robert W Hellwarth

Robert W Hellwarth *

For pioneering introduction of Q-switches to lasers and profoundly influential contributions to the science of nonlinear optics, including stimulated light scattering, origins of nonlinear refractive index, photorefractivity and phase conjugation


Stephen E Harris

Stephen E Harris

For pioneering and profoundly influential contributions to the science of light, including optical parametric emission, lasing without inversion, electromagnetically induced transparency, and single cycle optical pulse generation


Donald B Keck

Donald B Keck

For breakthrough contributions to the field of optical communications, including the invention of the first low-loss optical fiber, and for a history of service to OSA


Jarus W Quinn

Jarus W Quinn *

For his exceptional leadership of the OSA as its Executive Director from 1969 through 1994 and the profound influence that he has had on making the society the success that it is today


James Gordon

James Gordon *

For his numerous high-impact, seminal contributions to quantum electronics and photonics, including the first demonstration of the maser


Arthur Ashkin

Arthur Ashkin *

For his pioneering work on optical trapping and the development of optical tweezers


Roy J Glauber

Roy J Glauber *

For pioneering work on quantum optics and coherent states


Theodor W Haensch

Theodor W Haensch

For pioneering work on laser spectroscopy and optical combs


John L Hall

John L Hall

For pioneering work on high-precision laser metrology and fundamental optical tests of physical principles


Herwig Kogelnik

Herwig Kogelnik

For achievements in several areas of optics and photonics, contributions to lightwave communications by directing industrial research and for leadership in the scientific community


William D Phillips

William D Phillips

For development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light


Steven Chu

Steven Chu

For development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light


Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

For outstanding leadership in quantum optics, from initial studies of optical pumping, through seminal work on sub-Doppler limit laser cooling


Aleksandr Mikhailovish Prokhorov

Aleksandr Mikhailovish Prokhorov *

For his distinguished contributions and monumental role over the past 45 years in creating and developing quantum electronics


Willis E Lamb, Jr.

Willis E Lamb, Jr. *

In recognition of his fundamental and pioneering contributions to laser physics


James G Baker

James G Baker *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


George Wald

George Wald *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Emil Wolf

Emil Wolf *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Andre Marechal

Andre Marechal *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Rudolf Kingslake

Rudolf Kingslake *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Nicolaas Bloembergen

Nicolaas Bloembergen *

For unique, unparalleled contributions to the field of optics


Arthur L Schawlow

Arthur L Schawlow *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


John Donovan Strong

John Donovan Strong *

For pioneering work in aluminization of telescope mirrors, development of grating engines, infrared instrumentation and spectroscopy, and atmospheric and planetary physics using balloon-borne equipment


H. Keffer Hartline

H. Keffer Hartline *

In recognition of the preeminent service he has rendered in the advancement of optics


Edwin H Land

Edwin H Land *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Dennis Gabor

Dennis Gabor *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Charles H Townes

Charles H Townes *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Gerhard Herzberg

Gerhard Herzberg *

In recognition of the preeminent service he has rendered in the advancement of optics


George R Harrison

George R Harrison *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Harrison M Randall

Harrison M Randall *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Alfred Kastler

Alfred Kastler *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


William F Meggers

William F Meggers *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


C.E. Kenneth Mees

C.E. Kenneth Mees *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Fritz Zernike

Fritz Zernike *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Arnold Sommerfeld

Arnold Sommerfeld *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Robert Andrews Millikan

Robert Andrews Millikan *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


R. W Wood

R. W Wood *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Theodore Lyman

Theodore Lyman *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman

Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Charles Fabry

Charles Fabry *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Edward Bausch

Edward Bausch *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Albert Abraham Michelson

Albert Abraham Michelson *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


S. W Stratton

S. W Stratton *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Charles S Hastings

Charles S Hastings *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


Edward L Nichols

Edward L Nichols *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics


George E Hale

George E Hale *

In recognition of his preeminent service in the advancement of optics

* Deceased

Image for keeping the session alive