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Global Policy & Affairs

Facilitating policies in support of optics and photonics worldwide.

GEMM Initiative
Global Environmental Measurement and Monitoring Initiative (GEMM)

Engaging experts at institutions worldwide to form multidisciplinary regional centers that create and share new measurement technologies and climate models.

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Global Health Initiative
Global Health Initiative

Coalescing research, applications, government and industry to develop and provide life-saving solutions worldwide.

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Advocate of Optics

Recognizing an outstanding public official from any country who demonstrates leadership and support for the advancement of optics and photonics. 

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Partnering with scientific, university and business organizations to achieve common goals.

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US Public Affairs Programs
US Public Affairs Programs

Providing Congressional Fellowships, Capitol Hill and District Visits and other resources to advance optics and photonics policy within the United States.

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Policy Issue Statements
Policy Issue Positions

Statements from the Optica Public Policy Council and Board of Directors on critical issues worldwide.

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Public Affairs

Optica Leads Multisociety Letter to White House and Congress Urging Action to Assist Ukrainians

The undersigned organizations write to condemn the invasion of Ukraine and express our deep concern and strong support for the Ukrainian people during this time of crisis. We also urge quick Executive and Congressional action on immigration rules and research programs to aid Ukrainian students and researchers and their families in fleeing the country and establishing themselves elsewhere…”

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Public Affairs

Scientific Societies Support Additional Visas for Students with STEM Degrees

Scientific societies, including Optica (formerly The Optical Society), signed onto a letter supporting increasing the number of EB (employment-based) visas for international students who earn, or previously earned, advanced STEM degrees in the United States.  The letter also requests that these individuals be exempt from any per-country cap.

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Public Affairs

An open letter from Russian scientists and science journalists against the war with Ukraine

“We, Russian scientists and scientific journalists, declare a strong protest against the hostilities launched by the armed forces of our country on the territory of Ukraine. This fatal step leads to huge human losses and undermines the foundations of the established system of international security. The responsibility for unleashing a new war in Europe lies entirely with Russia..."

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Coalition asks White House to Support STEM Community in Afghanistan

Science societies including Optica (formerly The Optical Society) signed onto a letter to Dr. Eric Lander, the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) to extend assistance to engineers, scientists, and other educated professionals in Afghanistan.  The letter also asks them to assist women in STEM in their exodus from Afghanistan.

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Image for keeping the session alive