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Over a Century of Optics & Photonics

Welcome to the Living History of Optica, where we celebrate the society and the science of optics and photonics over the past century and beyond! You'll find biographies, photos, memoirs, videos and much more.

  • Turning 100

    A look back at the society's 2016 centennial celebration.

From the birth of the local optical society in Rochester, New York, U.S, in 1915 to today, light science has made tremendous advancements. It touches the lives of each and every one of us around the globe. Join us on our journey of bringing history to life by exploring the Milestones and Celebrations, Biographies and Memoirs,  Multimedia and the Chronology of this amazing science that shapes our world.

We are only at the beginning of what optics technology can do,
The society and its members will continue to be at the forefront of advancing the science of light.
Alan Willner, 2016 President
Image for keeping the session alive