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Webinar Series

2021 Series

Mentoring: From Tradition to Innovation

Stéphanie Mitrano - Innovation Copilots, Netherlands

Mentoring Principles & Success Conditions

Strategic Mentoring and New Forms of Mentoring

Key Elements in Mentor Training

Key Elements in Mentee Training

From Surviving to Thriving

Cathy Sorbara, Sorbara Consulting, Netherlands

How to Avoid Burnout and Find Balance in Your Career

Overcoming Workplace Bullying

How to Speak Up When You Feel Like You Can't

Energizing Your Workplace (Even From Home)

How to Manage Your Emotions and Build Resilience

Career Conundrums

Katherine Wiid, Career Ambitions, United Kingdom

Is Your Resume/CV an Autobiography or a Bestseller?

Career Cycles: Should I Stay or Should I Go?

with Special Guest Richard Mould 

The Expectation Gap - How to Avoid Falling Into It

with Special Guest Kelly Drewery

Confidence vs Competence

with Special Guest Tim Biggs

Personal Branding: A Career Fad or a Must Have?

with Special Guest Rayner Sheridan

An Unexpected Side Effect of COVID-19 - Career Resilience

Innovation School

Eric Koester, Georgetown University, United States

Innovating as a PhD/Masters or STEM Student 

Innovating as a Manager

Making the Leap to Start a Company

From PhD to CEO - Making an Exciting Leap Into Business

Francisco Rodrigues - PICadvanced, Portugal

Falko Schmidt - Lucero Bio, Sweden

Maria Aymerich - bFlow, Spain

Michael Förtsch - Q.Ant, Germany

Bárbara Buades - MeetOptics, Spain

Ruth Mackey - mBryonics, Ireland

LEGACY: Your Life's Work

Hannah Roberts, Hannah Roberts Consulting, United Kingdom

12 April, 2021

19 April, 2021

26 April, 2021

4 May, 2021

Leadership Development

Hannah Roberts, Hannah Roberts Consulting, United Kingdom

Authentic Leadership

Life Harmony - The Constant Juggling Act

Confidence & Charisma

Communicating as a Leader

Developing Leadership

Ethics as a Leader

2020 Series

Navigating the New Job Market

Isaiah Hankel, Cheeky Scientist, USA

Preparing for the Virtual Market & What a Recession Means for Technical Careers

The 5 Industry Resume Types That Get Employers' Attention Virtually (& When to Use Which)

PhD-Level Transferrable Skills That Stand Out During Economic Downturns (& How to Communitcate Them Virtually)

Building a LinkedIn Profile That Attracts Employers for Both Remote Work in the Short-Term & Onsite Career in the Long-Term

With Special Guest Donna Serdula

How to Get Responses from Employers on LinkedIn by Writing Pitch Perfect Networking Scripts for When Hiring is Slow

With Special Guest Donna Serdula

Using the 'Straight-Line Referal' Methodology to Turn Networking Contacts into Job Referrals

A Complete Guide to Successfully Passing a Phone Screen (& The Top 10 Questions PhDs are Asked During Phone Interviews)

How to Prepare for & Execute One-on-One Versus Panel Video Interviews

Leaving a Lasting Impression at the Final Step of the Job Search Process by Prepareing an Industry-Style Interview Presentation

What are Your Salary Expectations?

Innovation Ready

Eric Koester, Georgetown University, USA

Innovation Strategies Today

Spotting Innovation Opportunities

Building Successful Innovation Teams

Art of Customer Insights

Building Traction. Funding Innovation

Innovation Prototyping

From Surviving to Thriving

Cathy Sorbara, Sorbara Consulting, Netherlands

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt

Managing Stress and Creating Balance

with Special Guest Vivian Acquah

Building Personal Resilience

with Special Guest Mary Jane Roy

Achieving a Growth Mindset

Understanging Your Core: Values + Purpose

Understanding Your Core: Strengths

How to Prioritze & Be More Productive

with Special Guest Vivian Acquah

Creating and Maintaining Good Habits

Boosting Emotional Intelligence

with Special Guest Naily Makangu

Navigating Difficult Conversations

Why Mentoring Matters

with Special Guest Mary Truscott

Image for keeping the session alive