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We partner with several other scientific, university and business organizations to achieve our common goal of advancing scientific research, education and innovation. These coalitions allow us to pool our resources, creating a stronger influence on policymakers, industry leaders and interested parties.

  • The National Photonics Initiative (NPI) is a collaborative alliance among industry, academia and government to raise awareness of photonics and the impact of photonics on our everyday lives; increase cooperation and coordination among U.S. industry, government and academia to advance photonics-driven fields; and drive U.S. funding and investment in areas of photonics critical to maintaining U.S. economic competitiveness and national security. The coalition of societies includes NPI founding sponsors Optica and SPIE, and sponsors the American Physical Society, the IEEE Photonics Society, and the Laser Institute of America.
  • The International Photonics Advocacy Coalition (IPAC) is a global initiative intended to raise awareness of the economic and societal impacts of optics and photonics technologies with the international policy community. This program currently seeks partner organizations that would value 1) bringing together experts from industry, academia and government to educate policymakers and influencers about photonics technologies; 2) advocate for funding for optics and photonics initiatives; and 3) collaborate and coordinate among industry, government and academia to advance knowledge of photonics technologies.
  • Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) is an alliance of more than 130 professional organizations, universities and businesses united by a concern for the future vitality of the national science, mathematics and engineering enterprise. CNSF supports the goal of increasing the national investment in the National Science Foundation's research and education programs in response to the unprecedented scientific, technological and economic opportunities facing the United States.
  • Energy Sciences Coalition (ESC) is a broad-based coalition of organizations representing scientists, engineers and mathematicians in universities, industry and national laboratories who are committed to supporting and advancing the scientific research programs of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and in particular, the DOE Office of Science.
  • NIST Coalition advocates for the laboratory programs within the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) that provide foundational research and material development for companies, academic institutions and other federal agencies. The coalition works to raise awareness among congressional leaders of the vital role fulfilled by NIST to drive American economic growth and job creation.  The coalition is co-chaired by SPIE and Optica.
  • Physical Sciences Education Policy Coalition (PSEPC) is a diverse group of scientific non-profit organizations that works to promote issues regarding all aspects of physical science education to benefit both students and teachers.
  • Coalition for National Security Research (CNSR) is a broad-based alliance of industry, academia, scientific and professional organizations and non-profits committed to advocating for a strong Defense Science and technology enterprise.



Image for keeping the session alive