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Tips for an Effective Narrative
  • Be sure you clearly describe the impact of the nominee’s contributions and how they support the nomination category(ies) you selected.
  • Highlight areas of professional specialization, key recognitions, professional society membership and activity, and other noteworthy accomplishments that make the nominee unique.
  • Optics is an incredibly rich and diverse field. While you as the nominator are likely very familiar with the nominee’s work, the Fellow Members Committee represents the entire breadth of the optics community and may not have the same insight. Therefore it’s important to demonstrate the impact of the contributions/activities in ways that are clear to those not active in that particular field.
  • A list of papers or publications alone do not describe impact. While a record of publications may be important for some, but not all, nomination categories, this record should be concisely communicated by indicating number of publications and a citation factor. It is important that key papers be highlighted and described in a manner that ALL reviewers can understand - Why is paper significant? Did it start a new line of research or was it exceptionally cited?
  • Please keep in mind that not all nomination categories rely on publications as a primary metric. Therefore, it is important to find other ways to highlight impact. Examples include:
    • The number of patents or transitions to products that are pervasive in the optical community
    • Entrepreneurial success
    • Leadership in industry
    • Key inventions or discoveries that advanced the field
    • Leadership roles within the society’s publications, meetings, governance, etc.
    • Contributions to education
    • Service to the global community
  • While no nominee is expected to have made contributions in all of the nomination categories, significant contributions (particularly volunteer and service activities to the society) outside the selected category should be included.
Image for keeping the session alive