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Fellow Lecturer Program

Since 2000, this program has sponsored over 100 trips - fostering optics programs and reaching students and scientists in over 43 economically emerging nations.

We currently offer two ways to participate:

Virtual Lectures/Webinars
If you would like to present a virtual lecture please send a short description of your talk topic(s) to

View previous Fellow Webinars.

Travel Grants for In-Person Lectures
Grants are available to support Fellow trips to economically emerging nations. Grants typically range from $1,000 - $2,000 USD and are intended to help defray travel costs. It is expected that the host organization(s) will cover local expenses.

Applications will be evaluated based on several factors including: the value to Optica, alignment with Optica’s strategic goals, value to local community, trip duration and similarity to recent trips. Trips with a wide range of activities are encouraged. Letters from host organizations should be submitted with your application. Generally, these grants will not be awarded to support international conference attendance. A trip report must be submitted within 30 days of an approved visit (a report template will be provided). Complete the form below to apply for a grant.

View recent Fellow Lecturer trips.

Contact with any questions.

Image for keeping the session alive