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Walther recipient

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Herbert Walther Award

Recognizes distinguished contributions in quantum optics and atomic physics as well as leadership in the international scientific community.

The award was established in 2008 to honor Prof. Herbert Walther for the seminal influence of his ground-breaking innovations in quantum optics and atomic physics, and for his wide-ranging contributions to the international scientific community.

It is presented by Optica and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) in alternate years, and is endowed by Toptica Photonics AG, Messe München International - LASER World of PHOTONICS, and individual contributors, including Tony and Jeannie Siegman, Joseph and Shirley Eberly, Gerd Leuchs, Marlan Scully, Wolfgang Ketterle, Peter Knight, and Y. Ron Shen. Optica and DPG thank Berthold Leibinger Stiftung GmbH for donating funds to support the award's stipend from 2021-2024. 



Jun Ye

Jun Ye

For an extensive body of work in optics, including ultra-stable lasers, ultra-cold polar molecules, ultra-high resolution spectroscopy, and ultra-high accuracy optical clocks


Wolfgang Peter Schleich

Wolfgang Peter Schleich

For pioneering contributions to topics including gyroscopes and general relativity, Schleich-Wheeler oscillations, quantum state engineering, quantum optics in phase space, Gauss-sum factorization and wave packet dynamics and the red shift controversy resolution in atom interferometry


Eugene S Polzik

Eugene S Polzik

For pioneering experimental contributions to quantum optics including the demonstration of spin squeezing and entanglement of atomic ensembles, quantum teleportation between light and matter, a quantum memory for light, and hybrid atomic-mechanical coupling


Peter L Knight

Peter L Knight

For remarkable and varied contributions to quantum optics and quantum information science, ranging from foundations to applications


Gerd Leuchs

Gerd Leuchs

For pioneering and widespread scientific contributions ranging from ultrasmall focii of light to nonlinear optics, squeezed states of light and their application in metrology and quantum information, as well as for a continuing commitment to the physics community, quantum optics and his students and team members


Randall Hulet

Randall Hulet

For pioneering achievements in the field of ultracold atomic gases, including the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation with attractive interactions and groundbreaking studies of atomic fermions


Peter A Zoller

Peter A Zoller

For the pioneering discoveries and development of new interdisciplinary quantum science that unifies quantum optics, atomic, molecular, optical, and condensed matter


Peter E Toschek

Peter E Toschek *

For his pioneering experiments to laser cooling and trapping of single ions, his contributions to the understanding of principles of laser spectroscopy as well as of atomic physics


Massimo Inguscio, II

Massimo Inguscio, II

For groundbreaking experiments in modern atomic, molecular and optical (AMO) physics, from spectroscopy of metastable helium to Anderson localization of ultra-cold atoms, and for his scientific leadership world-wide


H. Jeff Kimble

H. Jeff Kimble

For his pioneering experimental contributions to quantum optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, and quantum information science


Alain Aspect

Alain Aspect

For his pioneering experimental contributions to the fields of quantum entanglement and cold atom physics


Marlan O Scully

Marlan O Scully

For fundamental and applied contributions: from the quantum theory of optical and micro-masers to the quantum eraser, and from inversionless and correlated emission lasers to anthrax detection


Serge Haroche

Serge Haroche

For using the techniques of quantum optics and atomic physics to creatively illuminate the mysterious world near to the quantum classical border, where waves become particles and ordinary physics emerges from the quantum domain


David J Wineland

David J Wineland

For seminal contributions to quantum information physics and metrology, and the development of trapped ion techniques for applications to basic quantum phenomena, plasma physics, and optical clocks

* Deceased

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