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OSA Core Values: i4

The Optical Society's mission is to promote the generation, application and archiving of knowledge in optics and photonics, and to disseminate this knowledge worldwide. To support this mission, the Society is committed to the following set of core values known as "i4".


Core Values Expanded

The process and products of scientific inquiry are central to the generation of knowledge in optics and photonics. Support from governments, industry, and academia are integral to ongoing discovery and innovation that moves society forward. The process of discovery and innovation must be free from political pressure or influence, and rely on proven and accepted scientific methods.
Authoritative generation, application, archiving and dissemination of optics and photonics knowledge requires a rigorous quality standards process that is fundamental to the Society’s every action. Transparency in operations and internal governance is essential to maintaining the highest level of integrity and trust within our membership. Our commitment to excellence in content and methodology establishes The Optical Society as a trusted resource for scientific information worldwide.
Modern scientific research increasingly depends on diverse collaboration for success. This interdisciplinary, global exchange of knowledge must be broadly inclusive, seeking contributions from all sources, based solely on excellence. The Optical Society is, by its nature, diverse. We are committed to it also being inclusive, and we strive to provide an atmosphere in which all people feel valued and respected and have access to the same opportunities. We are a professional community in service to the greater human community.
Science and technology contribute to the improvement of Society. Optical science plays an enabling role in both discovery and technology development. It is at the center of modern healthcare, transportation and communication, and sustains businesses through engineering solutions that benefit communities around the world. The Optical Society is an active advocate for science in general, and optics and photonics specifically. Our outreach efforts include working with governments worldwide to advocate for research and development funding, promoting and defending the integrity of science, increasing public engagement in science, and fostering participation in technical education.
Image for keeping the session alive