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OSA Corporate Member Newsletter


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Update from the IPRS International Roadmapping Meeting

OIDA participated in the fall Integrated Photonics Systems Roadmap (IPSR) International meeting, a newly merged effort for roadmapping integrated photonics. The original IPSR roadmap aimed mainly at silicon-based integrated photonics, with many sections addressing back-end manufacturing, including connectors. It has been led jointly by iNEMI and the MIT Microphotonics Center, and is part of the AIM Photonics effort on roadmapping. Merging with that is the JePPiX roadmap, aimed at InP-based integrated photonics. The Joint European Platform for Photonics Integration of Components and Circuits (JePPIX) consortium offices are at the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e), in the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is advancing its goal of having complete fabrication services for InP integrated photonics, including a prototype foundry (at TU/e in Eindhoven), a pre-commercial pilot line, and a commercial foundry (at Smart Photonics, also in Eindhoven). Last summer a plan was unveiled to expand support for photonics development in the Netherlands by €242 million, spread over 8 years (averaging €30 million per year), including industry contributions. That could amount to as much as €10 million/year of new money for pilot line tools and design development, in addition to existing funding.



Many in the E.U. public-private partnership known as Photonics21 deserve credit for establishing a regional cluster in western Europe around integrated photonics, spanning multiple wafer technologies. The Dutch capability in InP complements the LioniX silicon nitride service (in Enschede, Netherlands), ePIXfab and IMEC's silicon photonics efforts (in Belgium), the Fraunhofer HHI InP service (in Berlin), the PIXAPP packaging line (in Ireland), and many other public and private enterprises in the region.

The Dutch development agency PhotonDelta was founded in 2016 but already expanded the integrated photonics brand in the Netherlands and neighboring countries. PhotonDelta is also the lead partner in the European Photonics Alliance (EPA), "a formal alliance of European regional clusters with significant activities in photonics..." (referring to the formal European cluster organizations that receive government funding). The alliance aims at coordination of efforts, whereas Photonics21 primarily provides input to the European Commission toward strategic planning of photonics research funding. (To confuse things further, ePIXfab—formerly the central point for the silicon photonics prototype foundry service—calls itself the European Silicon Photonics Alliance, aimed at promoting silicon photonics science, technology, and applications.) PhotonDelta seeks to extend the western European leadership through an independent European organization it is calling the Photonic Integration Technology Center (PICT).

For more information, see a recent article in OSA’s Optics and Photonics News here.


What to Look for in 2019

It's a new year, and time to look ahead. What can we expect for the optics and photonics market in 2019? There are too many opportunities to list here, so we offer some selected highlights, not in any particular order:

  • Integrated photonics. Look for continued news about new products and application development, not just in optical communications, but also LIDAR, data storage, RF systems, spectroscopy, medical devices, and more. OIDA will examine the manufacturing supply chains of this technology at a workshop at OFC 2019 in March (see here).
  • Quantum key distribution services are now commercial, but many questions remain. OIDA will feature this at a session at the Executive Forum at OFC 2019 in March (see here).
  • LIDAR and other imaging technologies continue to improve for use at close range in fast-moving self-driving vehicles, both at the optical level and at the higher levels of perception and decision making. OIDA addressed LIDAR and imaging in two special events in 2018 (see the program for the May event here), and will feature it again in June at the Sensors Expo. OSA will address imaging in smart manufacturing and other automated systems at FiO 2019 in September (see the FiO 2018 program here).
  • Workforce development. Our industry has numerous market opportunities, but faces a shortage of diverse talent to help meet them. Expect to hear more about programs to train technicians, engineers, and others in the business of photonics manufacturing, and underserved groups in the community. OSA offers a school for early career professionals called the Innovation School (see here), and many programs for students, women, professionals seeking a career change, and others (here).
  • Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). This much-anticipated technology has not exploded into the market, but Microsoft and others continue to work hard on application development. OSA will feature an AR/VR Theme again at our annual meeting in September (see 2018 program here).
  • The microLED display is the newest display technology, with potential applications from headsets to wall-sized mosaic displays. This technology follows recent commercial advances in OLEDs and LCD displays backlit with LED-driven quantum dots.
  • Small businesses account for much of the innovation in our industry, as well as supporting niche applications and customers that are essential to the health of the market. In 2019, OIDA will continue to support small businesses through its SBIR/STTR speed dating meetings and OIDA start-up series.
  • Laser-assisted manufacturing of new types of vehicles offer an immense opportunity. This includes electric cars, driverless cars, airborne vehicles, robots, and much more. OIDA addressed this topic at our Executive Forum at the OSA Laser Congress in November (see here).
  • Lasers for directed energy systems continue to advance in military applications, with technological announcements in 2017 and 2018 from Russia and China. The laser technology for this application was addressed in a restricted session at the OSA Laser Congress in November.


U.S. Creates a National Quantum Initiative

Congratulations to the National Photonics Initiative (NPI) and its partners and stakeholders on the creation of the U.S. National Quantum Initiative Act. This initiative is the result of a bipartisan commitment to advance U.S. quantum information science and technology R&D. OSA is a co-founder member of the NPI and has worked for over a year with its partners and stakeholders to support passage of this important piece of legislation by the U.S. Congress (here) and enactment by the President. It was signed into law on 21 December 2018.


The initiative will create structures and provide for funding to coordinate and bolster U.S. research efforts in quantum science and technology. Specifically, it authorizes the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the Department of Energy to spend up to $1.275 billion over the next five years on quantum-related activities, subject to available appropriations.

With the bill's enactment, the NPI will work in 2019 with the relevant agencies and Congress to ensure the vision of this legislation is implemented and that these programs receive adequate funding to fulfill their promise. In particular, there will be an NQI-focused stakeholders fly-in in to Washington DC on 25-26 February 2019.

Additionally, the White House National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), through NSF, has issued a request for information from the research and development community around quantum information science (QIS) to inform the subcommittee as the Government develops potential means of addressing specific policy recommendations. If you would like to send comments, you can do so via this email address.

For more on the NQI, see OSA's Optics & Photonics News article here. For questions, please contact Dr. Greg Quarles, Chief Scientific Officer, at or David Lang, Senior Director of Government Relations, at


Welcome New OIDA Members











Member Benefit of the Month: Professional Development

OIDA Members receive buy-one-get-one-free registration at OIDA Executive Forum and discounted registrations at all OIDA workshops, technical meetings, and special events. With an OIDA membership, everyone in your company has access to premium benefits that will fuel success and establish connections with OSA's customers worldwide. Take advantage of your OIDA member benefits!

Not a member? Contact or call +1.202.416.1474


Learn New Roadmaps for Manufacturing and Building the Supply Chain for Integrated Photonics at OIDA's Workshop
3 March 2019 at OFC, Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, Indigo Ballroom, San Diego, CA, USA

Join your colleagues at the OIDA Workshop on Manufacturing and Building the Supply Chain for Integrated Photonics. Invited speakers will discuss critical aspects of the ecosystem, providing insights on the current manufacturing challenges and what is being done to address them. Learn about new opportunities. Network with the top experts in the field. Special discounts are available to members and non-members through 4 February.

The growing list of speakers includes Keynote Presenter Peter De Dobbelaere, Luxtera, Keynote Presenter Hong Hou, Intel Corporation, Keynote Presenter Jan Vardaman, TechSearch International, Iñigo Artundo, VLC Photonics, Gloria Hoefler, Infinera, Stefan Preble, AIM, and more!

Registration Includes:

Don't miss this unique opportunity to join the speakers and your peers as they propose and review ways to strengthen collaborations across the ecosystem and to build a more effective manufacturing supply chain.

View the program and register by 4 February to take advantage of your OIDA Member discount.



Receive a Free Registration to OIDA Executive Forum at OFC
4 March 2019 at OFC, Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel, Indigo Ballroom, San Diego, CA, USA

Attending OFC? Add value to your OFC experience. Register to attend OIDA Executive Forum — the premier event for leaders in optical networking and communications. Exclusive for OIDA Members: Buy 1 discounted registration and bring a customer or colleague for free! Special discounts are available to members and non-members through 4 February.

Hear C-Level speakers from major companies lead broad conversations on the state of the global industry, emerging trends and recommended courses of action.

Registration Includes:

View the program and register by 4 February to take advantage of your OIDA Member discount and free registration.



Amplify Your Sales — Become an OIDA Sponsor!

Through OIDA programs and events, industry leaders gain access to quality information, an unparalleled professional network, and countless opportunities for collaboration. A wide variety of sponsorship opportunities are available to provide optimum exposure for your company at each OIDA event. Raise your company's profile in front of these key customers by becoming a sponsor today.

Sponsorships offer different levels of exposure and include registration passes to the events. For detailed information on packages and pricing, please contact or call +1.202.416.1474.


PR Information for OFC

The OFC PR Team provides our exhibitors with public relations and social media information, including opportunities like OFC First News and the Breakfast Briefings program. Please refer to the OFC Exhibitor PR Toolkit for more information. Also, make sure to register your organization's PR and/or marketing contact to receive the OFC PR Team newsletters, deadline reminders, media opportunities and the advanced pre-registered media and analyst list.


OFC Career Zone is Live — Employers and Job Seekers Create Your Account Now

The OFC Career Zone is where job seekers and employers from all areas of optical communications connect. Check out OFC Career Zone Online and create your account today!

Be sure to also participate in our Onsite OFC Career Zone Live at OFC, San Diego Convention Center, 5-7 March 2019.

Questions: contact or +1.202.416.1942


Present Your Applied Industrial Optics Research on 8 — 10 July 2019

The OSA Applied Industrial Optics Topical Meeting (AIO) is where researchers and professionals from diverse backgrounds gather and discuss photonics research, technology development, and commercialization. Here, industry leaders can stay informed of the latest advances in photonics technology. AIO creates an engaging multi-disciplinary program that encourages the sharing of ideas and generates cross-pollination across fields. Through workshops, tutorials, and panel discussions, AIO grants unprecedented access to industry experts and insight into today's commercial climate. It offers a unique atmosphere that is both informative and interactive, providing a forum for tomorrow's photonics leaders to meet, collaborate, and innovate. Submit your research for consideration by 13 March 2019 (12:00 EDT / 17:00 GMT). Learn more.




OIDA (OSA Industry Development Associates) Council
Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc., Chair

 • Alex Fong,
    TruTag Technologies, Inc.,
    Past Chair

• John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors

• Amy Eskilson,
    Inrad Optics

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC

 • Inge Kabert,

 • Martin Seifert

 • Debbie Wilson,





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Image for keeping the session alive