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Join Us To Celebrate our Engineers


Join us to celebrate our engineers!

We are excited to host our third annual Optica Celebrates Engineers Week Webinar Series. Be sure to register for this webinar series, a part of a great week of programming. We look forward to seeing you there!


Lia-Li_circle.pngTuesday, 22 February, 10:00 EST
Lia Li

How to embrace risk in photonics research: my journey from academic to startup founder.


Wednesday, 23 February, 10:00 EST
Jaime Gómez Rivas

Extended open cavities for polaritonic devices


Junwen-Zhang_Circle.pngThursday, 24 February, 10:00 EST
Junwen Zhang
Coherent Optical Multi-Access Network: Opportunities, Challenges and Prospects

Akihiko-Kuze_Circle.pngThursday, 24 February., 20:00 EST
Akihiko Kuze
Spectrometers reveal anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emission from space and upper-sky



Xin-Yuan_Circle.pngFriday, 25 February, 10:00 EST
Xin Yuan
Snapshot Compressive Imaging: Theory, Algorithms and Application



Daewook-Kim_Circle.pngFriday, 25 February, 15:00 EST
Daewook Kim

Extremely large ground and space
optical systems


Image for keeping the session alive