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Read about What’s Hot in Optics & Photonics, Global Employment, Special OIDA Events, New Reports and Other Noteworthy News, Opinions & Opportunities

OSA Corporate Member Newsletter
In this Issue:

What's Hot in Optics & Photonics—a Regional View
The January issue of the OIDA newsletter offered some perspectives on what are the hot topics in optics and photonics today. There are many such initiatives in our field, too many to list in this newsletter, but they can be sorted into government initiatives versus commercial ones.

China is now a major exporter, and aims to strengthen its trade network through its Belt and Road Project. This is an infrastructure investment of the equivalent of hundreds of billions of U.S. dollars, and potentially much more. China also aims to become stronger as a manufacturer in critical industries, even becoming self-sufficient, through its Made in China 2025 program. At the research level, it is devoting significant resources to key topics, including quantum computing and quantum communication. These top-down efforts are common among Asian governments, and demonstrate what central industrial policy can do when executed well.

Europe is also associated with industrial policy, both at the national and trans-national (European Union) level. The German government is a strong supporter of the German auto industry, and has identified Industry 4.0 as a critical development in auto and other manufacturing. The European Commission is launching the next flagship programme around quantum technologies, in line with initiatives in China, the U.K., Canada, and other countries. While not an initiative in the usual sense, the uncertainty around the U.K. exit from the European Union looms over companies and researchers that are closely involved with cross-border trade and R&D.

In North America what stands out today are several hot topics in the commercial sector: data centers for search and social networking, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, face recognition in mobile phones, Internet of Things, and so forth. This is the "Apple Economy",—so-called because it is driven by companies like Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, as well as other giants like Alibaba, in information technology and consumer products. Their efforts combine to form a giant commercial stimulus that sends business trickling down to the optics and photonics industry.
The Apple Economy is not restricted to North America, and Asian companies have been closely aligned with commercial product manufacturing for decades. Likewise, the U.S. has industry policy, but it is directed most prominently at the military sector. We highlight here these examples to illustrate the contrast between certain industrial policy efforts in Europe and Asia versus the commercial investment that is so prominent today, particularly in North America.

Global Optics and Photonics Employs 3.7 million People
OIDA's latest estimate of global optics and photonics employment stands at 3,700,000, based on estimates for each region. This workforce produced components and subsystems worth nearly US$ 430 billion last year, as we noted in the January issue of the OIDA newsletter.

OIDA's estimate includes the employment for manufacturing of both optical components and systems. For example, it includes both the image sensor and the digital camera, the solar cell and the solar module, the LED and the LED-based luminaire, the optical fiber and the optical networking equipment. It does not always include the entire downstream product, however. In a mobile phone handset, OIDA includes the display module, LED flash, and camera module, but not production of the entire handset. Likewise, OIDA considers the production of the optical subsystems in an automobile, but not the production of the entire vehicle.
Most of the employment is in East Asia, which has a concentration in manufacturing of displays, photovoltaics, LEDs, and the packaging of many other products for offshore customers. The U.S. and Europe have concentrations in manufacturing of precision optical products for industrial, health care, military, and scientific applications. Also notable are Canada, Israel, and several other countries around the world that are not grouped with the major economies shown in the figure. (Canada was featured in the May 2017 OIDA newsletter.)

Welcome New OIDA (OSA Industry Development Associates) Members

OIDA's First Market Update Dinner
(OIDA) OSA Industry Development Associates held their first Market Update Dinner on 30 January at Photonics West. The Dinner was a success, with Dr. Tom Hausken delivering an impactful Market Update presentation to 47 industry executives. The purpose of this Dinner was to engage current OIDA members as well as cultivate prospects interested in OIDA membership.

Join a Free, Live Video Stream of the OFC Plenary Session
Tuesday, 13 March, 08:00 — 10:00 (PDT)
OFC is the largest global conference for optical networking and communications—drawing nearly 15,000 attendees who come to see the future direction of the industry. If you're not able to attend in San Diego in this month, you still have the opportunity to participate as a virtual attendee.

The 2018 OFC Plenary Session will be offered as a free, live-stream event.

You must pre-register to receive the live-stream link.

Speakers include:

John C. Doyle
Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, Electrical Engineer, and BioEngineering at Caltech

Marcus Weldon
President of Nokia Bell Labs

Chengliang Zhang
Vice President of China Telecom Beijing Research Institute

PR Opportunities at OFC 2018
OFC will be here before you know it. If you have any PR questions, the OFC PR Team is here to support you and your organization! You can visit us onsite at the Media Center, Room 5A, upper level, San Diego Convention Center. Don't forget we also offer the OFC FAQ videos to help answer your questions and the 2018 PR Toolkit that will walk you through the FREE PR opportunities available to exhibitors.

There is still time to share your Company's news and white papers for FREE with OFC media, analysts and attendees. Submit exhibitor news releases (up to 500 words) online to be included in the OFC website Media Center and send white papers to

#OFC18 Twitter Photo Contest: Make sure to have your picture taken with the life-size #OFC18 sign in the San Diego Convention Center lobby! Post your photo on Twitter with #OFC18 to be entered in our Twitter photo contest. The winner receives a prize!

Join us on social media today and stay in the loop on the latest conference updates, topics and trends. Follow us on Twitter @OFCConference (#OFC18), LinkedIn and YouTube. Twitter Chat (#OFCchat) on 6 March — discussing topics relevant to the community and build connections between participants.

Reception for Media/Analysts & Exhibitor PR/Marketing Professionals: **RSVP to, Tuesday, 13 March, 17:00-18:30, San Diego Convention Center, Room 5B.

Looking for a New Job or New Hire at OFC? Register Now for the
OFC Career Zone!
Maximize your time at OFC by participating in the OFC Career Zone. This is a must-attend for those seeking a job with the industry's top employers, and for companies seeking high quality candidates for their organization.

3 Ways for Companies & Candidates to Participate — In Person, Online, or Both!

Employers — Find Your Next Overachiever: Sign up for the OFC Career Zone now, or forward this information to your Human Resources team. Access high level talent: 77% of the applicants in the OFC Career Fair possess advanced degrees and 42% have more than 10 years of experience.

Job Seekers — Find Your Next Career Move: Register online, post your resume for free, visit the OFC Career Zone Live and meet companies like Applied Optoelectronics, Inc., Corning, Finisar, Infinera, Intel Corporation, Viasat, Senko Advanced Components, Inc., and more! Your resume will also be available to participating companies through the OFC Career Zone Online site year round. Online-only companies include Chalmers University of Technology, GenXComm Inc., Jefferies LLC, and SiFotonics Technologies.

OIDA Workshop on Scalable Integrated Photonics for 5G and IoT
11 March at OFC—Separate Registration Required
Attend this workshop and get a deep look at how photonic devices can meet needs of new applications being introduced by fifth generation (5G) wireless and the Internet of Things (IoT). Learn about new opportunities for your company. Network with top experts in the field including Tod Sizer, Nokia, Lute Maleki, Cruise Automation and Atsushi Kanno, NiCT Attend five presentation sessions, breakfast, lunch, poster display and a special evening networking event.

See the Complete Lineup of Industry Leaders Who Will be Speaking
View the Program
Register Now (Special Discounts are Available to OIDA Members)

OIDA Executive Forum
12 March at OFC—Separate Registration Required
This is the premier annual event for leaders in optical networking and communications. Meet executives from Oclaro, Lumentum, Cisco, Arista Networks, Verizon, Inphi Corporation, Microsoft and more. OIDA Executive Forum is your exclusive opportunity to hear insider perspectives in an uncensored environment, while participating in high-level networking.

See the Complete Lineup of Industry Leaders Who Will be Speaking
View the Program
Register Now (Special Discounts are Available to OIDA Members)

OSA Fellow Spotlight
OSA Fellow Alan Petersen of Spectra-Physics, MKS Instruments, Inc., USA, began his four-decade career working on infrared molecular gas lasers and progressed over the years to numerous improvements in ultraviolet lasers, from cavity design to fiber-coupled diode pumping. He's seen a lot of change over the years and is grateful for the role he's been able to play, noting "I go home every night knowing I'm making a contribution to bettering the world." Learn more about Alan and other OSA Fellows at

New Engineering and Lab Note Describes a Python Tool for Automated Scheduling with a Wide Range of Functions
Applied Optics recently published a new Engineering and Lab Note: Python-based dynamic scheduling assistant for atmospheric measurements by Bruker instruments using OPUS that presents a Python tool developed for automated spectra acquisition in a network of Fourier transform interferometers in New Zealand and Antarctica. Alexander Geddes, John Robinson, and Dan Smale, based at New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, report that the tool allows for dynamic scheduling of measurements by time, lunar, or solar zenith angle while accounting for weather or other external parameters.

Engineering and Laboratory Notes (E&L Notes), highlight laboratory methods and best practices technicians and specialists can utilize for the design, analysis, fabrication, integration, alignment, and measurement of optical components and systems. These techniques of the trade can lead to further innovations as well as networking opportunities for both authors and readers. E&L Notes Editor Brian Monacelli sums up the initiative here.

View all of the published E&L Notes here. Gain recognition and attract new customers: Applied Optics continues to seek E&L Notes to publish. Submit yours today.

Call for Nominations — Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award
Nominations for the Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award are due 10 July. This is a great opportunity to showcase the value and importance of your engineer team! The award recognizes technical achievements such as product engineering, process and software development, and patent development, as well as contributions to society such as engineering education, publication and management, and furthering public appreciation of optical engineering.

Advocate for Optics and Photonics in Two April Events
Many people ask what we can do to advocate for optics and photonics to policymakers. In April there will be two important activities that you or your company can participate in. These are two of the most important ways that our community can be heard.

OSA will again join the global celebration of science—the March for Science—on 14 April 2018. This is an important opportunity for our community and friends and neighbors to make our voices heard collectively, both in Washington and around the world. Last year's event drew over 1 million citizens in over 600 marches worldwide, organized by over 10,000 volunteers and over 270 partners. Mark your calendar to participate in your hometown March for Science or in the one in Washington DC. If you're coming to Washington, OSA will open its building and offer a range of events, so be sure to stop by! For more information about the March for Science, see here. OSA will post information about its activities as it becomes available here.
Also important is to advocate for optics and photonics directly to your members of U.S. Congress or their staff by joining OSA and its National Photonics Initiative (NPI) partners for Capitol Hill Visits Day in Washington, DC on 24-25 April 2018. We encourage participants at all career levels and backgrounds from PhD students and young professionals to experienced members of industry and academia.
Capitol Hill Visits Day will focus on the NPI, R&D funding, and other legislation relevant to optics and photonics. Specific topics for 2018 visits will be sent out to participants closer to the date. NPI staff will arrange all of your Congressional meetings and provide you with documents to leave with the offices. Participants will be placed in teams to do their visits led by a staff member of one of the sponsoring societies or an experienced Capitol Hill visits participant. A mandatory training session will take place the afternoon of 24 April and all Congressional meetings will take place on 25 April.
Contact Brandy Dillingham ( if you have any questions. To learn more or sign up to participate, visit the NPI website.

Introducing the Innovation School: 4 Days to Becoming an Innovator

22-26 July 2018, Washington, DC USA

During this 4-day bootcamp, you'll learn about the key methodologies for discovering, developing and launching innovative solutions and products. This hands-on program is perfect for those seeking to participate in the innovation economy - as an innovator at their company, at a start-up venture or as an entrepreneur.

To learn more, visit Attendance is limited to 35 people. If you are interested in applying to attend, please email Registration information as well as available grants will be announced in February.

Invitation to Join the Optics and Photonics Industry LinkedIn Group
Join 3,000+ of your colleagues in our Optics & Photonics Industry Network LinkedIn Group. This one-of-a-kind Forum for Industry lets you participate in discussions about cutting-edge issues. Extend your professional network. Exchange information about problems, ideas and solutions. Collaborate with experts in your field. Now is the perfect time to build a relationship with fellow optics and photonics professionals!
Linkedin Link Now...

Take advantage of your OIDA (OSA Industry Development Associates) Member Benefits
We are committed to ensuring the value of your OSA Industry Development Associates Membership, so please email OSA if you have any suggestions for new programs or comments on your membership.

Forward this message to your colleagues.

Not yet a member? Learn more about the benefits of membership.

OIDA (OSA Industry Development Associates) Council
Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc., Chair-Elect

 • Alex Fong,
    TruTag Technologies, Inc.,
    Past Chair

• John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors
• Amy Eskilson,
    Inrad Optics

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC
 • Inge Kabert,

 • Martin Seifert

 • Debbie Wilson,

2010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20036 USA
+1 202.223.8130

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