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OSA Corporate Member Newsletter
In this Issue:

The LIDAR Market Enters a New Phase
The LIDAR market is set to double in size over the next 5 years, according to various market research firms, as it enables driver assistance and self-driving vehicles. LIDAR has been used for years for rangefinders, aerial mapping, 3D scanning of objects and spaces, and aerosol velocity monitoring, such as for wind turbine technology. But now the technology is considered essential by most automakers for dynamic 3D mapping in driver assistance at "Level 3" and beyond. (Level 0 involves no assistance, while level 5 is full, self-driving capability.) Autonomy is also in development for trucks, planes, maritime shipping, submersibles, and military vehicles. Laser mapping is even used today in a home vacuum cleaner, the Neato Robotics Botvac.

Alphabet's Waymo (formerly as Google) introduced LIDAR in its self-driving vehicles using a Velodyne product priced at about $75,000 each that included 64 lasers. Velodyne has reduced the cost, but there is talk that the module must be less than $1,000 for mainstream vehicles, even as low as $100. With 16 million new cars sold in the U.S. every year, this provides a multi-billion dollar opportunity for optics and photonics companies. OIDA's most recent Market Update includes a comparison of market forecasts for LIDAR modules. Several forecasts are within the same general range, while one is significantly more optimistic with its definition of the market size today as well as the growth rate.
Source: OIDA (2017). Key is available in OIDA Market Update.
While the early technology is moving quickly, the rollout of full autonomy will span decades. Technologies first have to be proven over the next several years, and automakers are notoriously demanding with regard to reliability and cost. Then it takes several years to design the feature into a new car model, first as an option in luxury car models or as a special model for fleet sales. As the cost declines and acceptance grows, look for it as a standard feature in mainstream cars. Boston Consulting Group forecasts 2025 as the year that full autonomy appears in the global auto market, growing to 10% share by 2035. Meanwhile, litigation and regulation loom over the developments. Waymo is suing Uber over the alleged theft of its LIDAR technology, and automakers are feeling both support and scrutiny from state and government policymakers.

Jason Eichenholz, CTO of LIDAR supplier Luminar Technologies, presented on his vision for LIDAR in autonomous cars at OSA's Frontiers in Optics plenary session on 19 September in Washington DC. For more details on the LIDAR market, see the September installment of the OIDA Market Update, here. See also here for a report from Tematys that OIDA shared with its members in 2015.

What Does Optics & Photonics Owe Policymakers? Knowing the Customer!
Every good OIDA marketing and sales engineer first learns what the customer wants, and avoids being arrogant about their product. Yet, scientists often fail at this when they come to Washington to advocate to policymakers. Scientists often behave as if saying "if you knew what I know." There is even a name for this: the information deficit model of science communication. This insight is according to Rush Holt, PhD, former congressman, and CEO of AAAS, who gave a talk "What Does a Scientist Owe Policymakers?" on 20 September at OSA's Frontiers in Optics conference in Washington DC.
When scientists do try to communicate, they typically provide too much detail. They get "too hung up on facts," as if science is more believable if facts are stated and skeptics dismissed with certainty. Instead, Washington is a place where "facts are negotiable." Scientists may cringe at that observation, but focusing only on defending authority over facts and on the funding crisis of the moment is not just ineffective, it does damage to the policymaking process and society's faith in science. Holt says it's even unethical, that it fails at our responsibility. The point of science is not to have experts, it's to get people to see the world for themselves.

What's the solution? It's what optics and photonics companies do every day—know the customer and deliver solutions the customer values. Provide success stories. Respect the audience. Understand the emotions and tradeoffs in the policymaking process. Emphasize the process of science and its social benefits. Get policymakers to think like scientists.

OIDA is fortunate to have experienced government relations staff at OSA, led by Laura Kolton, who understand how to work with OIDA members and fellow societies to communicate with policymakers in the U.S. Congress, the U.S. administration, in Europe and abroad. There has never been a more important time for U.S. members to visit your congressional offices in Washington, or to host a visit by your congressperson to your facility. For help with this process, contact Laura Kolton. We also look forward to working with AAAS to improve science outreach and communication.

Smartphone Depth Sensing — a $6 Billion Market by 2022
Now that Apple has included face recognition as a feature in its new iPhone 8, just how much is the mobile depth sensing market worth? Revenues of 3D camera modules are forecast to reach US$ 6 billion in 2022, while the opportunities for the lens and illumination components will be $1.8 billion and $400 million, respectively. This is according to a report from Woodside Capital Partners and Yole Développement that was distributed last month by OIDA.
Source: Woodside Capital Partners
The mobile 3D depth imaging technology boosts what is already a large market for conventional mobile phone camera modules. Introduced at the turn of the 21st century, mobile phone cameras matured from a low-resolution curiosity to a powerful camera that includes flash, sophisticated image correction, and sometimes paired with a front-facing camera. 3D depth imaging adds more value and promises new applications, such as 3D facial recognition and augmented reality (AR).

The importance of the camera module market should not be overlooked:  Largan Precision is not widely known as an optics company at industry events in the U.S., but it is nonetheless the largest supplier of mobile phone camera optics and has revenues well over a billion dollars. While some other names are more familiar—such as Foxconn, Jabil, and LG Innotek—many important suppliers are not, such as Himax, Largan, O-Film, and Sunny Optical. Notable in illumination are Lumentum, II-VI, Everlight, and Osram.

For more insights and a copy of the report, distributed by permission by OIDA, click here. For OIDA's review of the augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) market in the August Market Update, click here.

OIDA Funding Accelerator Speed Meetings:  SBIR/STTR
OIDA Members are invited to participate in the OIDA Funding Accelerator Speed Meetings:  SBIR/STTR focusing on optics and photonics funding, which will be held at OSA's headquarters in Washington, DC on 14 November 2017. This event will give Member U.S. companies with less than 500 employees an opportunity to meet one-on-one with program officers from multiple U.S. federal agencies, all in one place, in one day — minimizing your time investment and increasing your chances for new government funding.

This OIDA event will give you an insider perspective on what agencies are looking to fund; as well as provide you with up-to-date information on each agency's SBIR/STTR funding process, and how you can enhance your probability of success. In addition, the event will help government agencies better understand what OSA Industry Development Associates (OIDA) Members can offer and how optics and photonics technologies can help them meet their goals. For more information and to secure your company's reservation, please e-mail OSA Director of Industry Membership, Andrew Dougherty at

Congratulations Guide Star Alliance — 2017 Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award Winner
Guide Star Alliance, representing TOPTICA Photonics and MPB Communications (MPBC), received the 2017 award for the development of the first high-power, fully remote-controlled, turn-key sodium guide star laser system with optimized photon return enabling next-generation adaptive optics under the extreme conditions of telescope sites. View the full team list and learn more about the 2017 award.

OIDA Members Mentor Young Professionals at OIDA VIP Industry Leaders Speed Meetings Lunch
Thank you to these OIDA Members who generously volunteered their time at FiO last month, sharing their business experience with early career professionals, recent graduates and students at FiO in Washington, D.C. USA. This program is offered 3 times a year at our 3 major conferences OFC, CLEO and FiO. If you would like to participate as an executive please email Sandra Kim, Director, Corporate Programs, at Thanks also to Go!Foton for sponsoring this event!
  • Alex Fong, Senior VP, Instrumentation and Life Sciences, Gooch and Housego, USA
  • Carl Klinges, Sales Manager for LightTools Products, Synopsys, USA
  • G. Michael Morris, CEO, RPC Photonics, USA
  • Rick Plympton, CEO, Optimax, USA
  • Reza Salem, Business Unit Leader Fiber Laser, Thorlabs, USA

Welcome New OSA Industry Development Associates (OIDA) Members

Exclusive New Report on Optical Communications and the LIDAR Market
Highlights in this OIDA Market Update:
  • Optical communications market update:  In addition to a general overview of the optical communications market, this section examines structured cabling and interconnects, the optical components market and market segmentation, as well the future of the market at 40G and beyond.
  • LIDAR market:  This section examines the current market for LIDAR, the upcoming opportunities for LIDAR in autonomous vehicles and driver assistance, and compares several forecasts from market research firms.
Download this members only report now.

OIDA Member Simin Cai, Go!Foton, Presents at the Photonics Society of Chinese-Americans (PSC) Meeting
Simin Cai, from OIDA Member Company Go!Foton, received accolades for his presentation in Shenzhen, China last month. Thank you Simin for your ongoing support as an OIDA Member, OIDA Committee Leader and advocate for the optics and photonics industry worldwide.

Use Your Member Discounts & Build Your Business with OIDA's High-Value Promotional Opportunities and Advertising
Enhance your company's image and create product awareness with OSA advertising opportunities. OSA offers advertising products for all budgets and marketing goals, with discounted rates for OIDA members. Learn more. OIDA offers special opportunities to target your customers through event and webinar sponsorships. Let's work together to unlock a unique opportunity for your brand!

Special Opportunities for Your Company at OFC: New Brochure Now Available
The fastest and most effective way to build your brand exposure and generate high-quality leads is through sponsorships and advertising at OFC 2018, the largest, most comprehensive optical communications and networking event in the world. Guarantee your company's visibility to 15,000+ attendees before, during and after the show by securing a sponsorship or advertising opportunity today. Rise above the competition at OFC and enhance your trade-show impact now.

85% of the OFC 2018 Floor Plan is Sold Out — Secure Your Booth Now
Tick tock…tick tock. Time is running out to secure your space at OFC 2018. With almost 85% of the hall sold now is the time to act. Our 2018 exhibitor prospectus is now online. Secure your booth now before the "Sold Out" sign

Get the intel on how the OFC Exhibition benefits OIDA Member Intel.

Technicians and Specialists: Perfect Your Optical Components and Systems with Engineering and Lab Notes from Applied Optics
Engineering and Laboratory Notes (E&L Notes), from Applied Optics, highlight laboratory methods and best practices technicians and specialists can utilize for the design, analysis, fabrication, integration, alignment, and measurement of optical components and systems. These techniques of the trade can lead to further innovations as well as networking opportunities for both authors and readers. E&L Notes Editor Brian Monacelli sums up the initiative here.

Applied Optics recently published these E&L Notes: View all of the published E&L Notes here.
Share your techniques: Applied Optics continues to seek E&L Notes to publish. Get your techniques published in a prominent venue. Submit yours today.

PIC Training Silicon Valley 2017
After two successful training events in 2015 and 2016 with very enthusiastic reactions, a third training is now organized in the week of 13-17 November 2017 at Tektronix in Santa Clara, California. The training is one-stop-shop and covers all the essential topics for producing PICs - system aspects, component tutorial, simulations and chip layout, foundry services (all material systems - Si, InP, and dielectrics), packaging, test and measurement, and business/marketing essentials. It is supported by a broad consortium of over 20 PIC companies and is hands-on, in-depth and practical. For more details and registration please visit the web site.

Invitation to Join the LinkedIn Optics and Photonics Industry LinkedIn Group
Join 3,000 of your colleagues in our Optics & Photonics Industry Network LinkedIn Group. This one-of-a-kind Forum for Industry lets you participate in discussions about cutting-edge issues. Extend your professional network. Exchange information about problems, ideas and solutions. Collaborate with experts in your field. Now is the perfect time to build a relationship with fellow optics and photonics professionals!
Linkedin Link Now...

Take advantage of your OSA Industry Development Associates (OIDA) Member Benefits
We are committed to ensuring the value of your OSA Industry Development Associates Membership, so please email OSA if you have any suggestions for new programs or comments on your membership.

Forward this message to your colleagues.

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OSA Industry Development Associates (OIDA) Committee
Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.

 • Alex Fong,
    Gooch & Housego, Chair

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc., Chair-Elect

 • Henrik Skov
    Ibsen Photonics

 • Simin Cai,
• John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC

 • Mike Mielke,

 • Martin Seifert
 • Costel Subran,
    Opton Laser

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner

2010 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. 
Washington, D.C. 20036 USA
+1 202.223.8130
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