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OSA Corporate Member Newsletter
In this Issue:

The New Export Rules are Out, and OSA Testifies—Free Webinar on 8 March
The Obama Administration released the revised proposed rule for Category XII of the U.S. export regulations and corresponding Department of Commerce proposed rule in the Federal Register on
19 February. These rules control the export and import of defense-related articles and include optics, photonic laser commodities and components, covering a wide range of key photonics areas. There is a short 45-day comment period that will close 4 April 2016. To help companies navigate the new rules, OSA will be hosting a free webinar on March 8 with Department of Commerce officials.

The proposed rule is part of the Administration's Export Control Reform effort. Category XII was the last category considered due to the complexity of the areas it covers. Last May, a proposed rule was released and OSA and over 100 companies voiced concern with the proposal. OSA partnered with other societies to educate members of Congress about the negative effects the rules would have for the optics and photonics industry. The results include letters by members of Congress from Silicon Valley to the Administration expressing concern over the rules as well.

Recently Dr. Greg Quarles, Chief Scientist for OSA, testified before the House Small Business Committee and outlined three areas where the proposed rule would affect the optics community and small businesses the most:
  • impact on the time to market for regulated products and components
  • the cost of compliance and
  • the need to enhance government export assistance resources, particularly for small business
Congressman Carlos Curbelo and Dr. Greg Quarles, Chief Scientist for OSA
The Departments of Commerce, State and Defense clearly heard the call from our community and addressed many of the concerns raised. Although an improvement, we urge companies to carefully review the rule for issues that may impact their organization. The government intends on drafting the final version of the rule for publication by mid-2016, within the term of the Obama Administration.

Once again, this 2nd comment period will close soon, so OSA-OIDA will need your feedback promptly to craft a response. If your company will be severely impacted by the rules, please contact the OSA public policy team at

OIDA will be presenting a free webinar on 8 March to update the optics and photonics community. Learn More and Register Today

NIST Announces Call for 1st Open-Topic Manufacturing Initiatives
On February 19, 2016 the U.S. Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced a competition for the formation of up to two Manufacturing Innovation Institutes to join the growing National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI). This competition will be the first NNMI solicitation in which proposals will be accepted on any advanced manufacturing topic.

As an open-topic competition, NIST will accept applications for a proposed Institute in any area of advanced manufacturing so long as it is not duplicative. That means that the application does not duplicate the technical scope and programs of federally funded Institutes within the National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), or technical focus area(s) that are identified within any in-progress Institute funding opportunity announced by a federal agency. A list of the institutes that have been awarded or are pending can be found here.

NIST tipped its hand about the topics that it would like to see in a press release issued in December, and by a Notice of Intent and Request for Information issued in December and January. The press release calls out biopharmaceutical manufacturing and manufacturing robotics as two topics of interest and the RFI lists 6 topics of interest. The deadline for responding to the RFI has been extended to March 22. It is possible that NIST would select yet some other topic to advance to the finalist rounds in the new FFO, but it is OIDA’s understanding that there are already consortia forming around the highlighted topics.

The Federal Funding Opportunity announcement contains a full list of requirements and evaluation criteria. To provide information to potential applicants, NIST plans to host one or more public events and informational webinars.

Announced - February 19
Proposer's Day - March 8
Pre-applications due - April 20
Review complete - May 23
Full applications due - July 22
Start date of awards - Q1 2017

OIDA asks that anyone planning to submit a proposal on a topic related to photonics to notify OIDA. Please contact Laura Kolton or Tom Hausken.

Is Photonics the Calm in the Eye of the Storm?
Last month we wrote that the global photonics market declined again in 2015, in part from declines in displays and other large sectors, and in part from the strengthening dollar. We also said that growth should return in 2016 as the cycle plays out.

Meanwhile, the mood at Photonics West in mid-February was certainly good, suggesting that there isn't currently a recession in the North American product development sector. The U.S. economy overall is growing at a modest but steady rate. But what about other sectors and regions?

Machine tools fared better than other sectors in recent years. Machine tools happens to be a strength in Germany, and Germany is in the stronger corner of the struggling European economy. So that much is okay for now.

China's growth rate is declining, as shown in the figure, which is to be expected for that economy as it comes into its own. But as Bo Gu reported at the Laser Focus World Marketplace Seminar, while many factories are closing in China, its technology sector remains stronger than the economy as a whole. China is investing in modern infrastructure—LED lighting, solar energy, fiber optics, and laser-based machine tools. And its economy is migrating from contract manufacturing to an innovation economy, by investing in R&D, a topic covered in last year's Laser Focus seminar.

Commodities-based economies—particularly those based on oil—have been hard hit. Many economists fear that a perfect storm of factors—excess Chinese debt, low commodity prices, and a currency price war—could pull the world economy into a full-blown recession. While this remains possible, the global economy seems more resilient than that for the time being.

The global photonics market has some stronger sectors (communications, machine tools, life sciences) and some weaker ones (displays, consumer imaging, lighting). Barring a global meltdown, we still expect modest growth in 2016.

Source: IMF World Economic Outlook (January 2016)

Finalists of the OSA Enabled by Optics Contest Announced
The impact of optics is all around us. Everything is connected to light — and enabled by optics. But what will be the next breakthrough technology?

Discover the power of optics with the Enabled by Optics Contest finalists:
  • Consumer Physics — for SCiO, the world's first molecular scanner that fits in the palm of your hand, enabling applications in health/fitness, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, agriculture and beyond
  • Cosemi Technologies — for its hybrid OptoHD cable that harnesses the power of copper and optical fiber to rapidly transfer large quantities of high-definition audio and video data for the ultimate user experience
  • Double Helix, LLC — for 3D super-resolution imaging for use in disease discovery and drug development
  • Nanolive SA — for the 3D Cell Explorer, a revolutionary microscope that enables the exploration of a living cell in 3D without damaging it, including performing precise measurements of the impact of stimuli and drugs on individual cells
The Enabled by Optics winner will be announced in April 2016. Read the press release.

Welcome New Industry Development Associates Members Top

Congratulations OSA Fellows from Industry
Our congratulations to these recently elected OSA Fellows for their service in the advancement of optics and photonics in industry and distinctive business leadership:
  1. Nobuyuki Hashimoto, Citizen Holdings Co., LTS, Japan
  2. Cedric Lam, Google, USA
  3. David Stork, Rambus Inc, USA
  4. Masahito Tomizawa, Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp, Japan
  5. Wenbing Yun, Sigray, Inc., USA
All current OSA Fellows are encouraged to submit a nomination and recognize their colleagues in the business community. Nominations are due 15 June 2016.

Light the Future—With Mary Lou Jepsen, Executive Director of Engineering, Facebook, OSA Fellow

Moderated by Alan Willner, OSA President, OSA Fellow
OFC Conference & Exhibition
23 March 2016
Reception 17:30 to 18:30
Program 18:30 to 20:00
Hilton Anaheim, Pacific Ballroom

Imagine a world without fiber optic communications networks or mobile phones. A century ago these inventions were unthinkable. Today, researchers and industry leaders around the globe are perfecting such innovations and envisioning new technologies. Join OSA as we celebrate our 100th anniversary with the Light The Future speaker series featuring distinguished scientists, engineers and Nobel Laureates.

The event is free and open to the public. To RSVP, please contact or visit

Last Chance to Register for Executive Forum & Integrated Photonics High Volume Packaging Workshop at OFC
Going...going...gone? Not yet, but seating is limited. OIDA is presenting two special all-day events at OFC this year. Note that these two events require a separate registration from your OFC registration.

OSA Executive Forum
21 March 2016 at OFC in Anaheim, California, US

This is the premier annual event for leaders in optical networking and communications. Meet executives from Google, Microsoft, Verizon, Facebook, Broadcom and more. OSA Executive Forum is your exclusive opportunity to hear insider perspectives in an uncensored environment, while participating in high-level networking. Learn more about the program and the speakers who will participate. Register Now

OIDA Workshop on Integrated Photonics High Volume Packaging
20 Mar 2016 at OFC in Anaheim, California, US

Attend this workshop and get a deep look at integrated photonics high volume packaging. Learn about new opportunities for your company. Network with top experts in the field. Attend three presentation sessions, one discussion session, lunch, poster display and a special evening networking event. Learn more about the program and the speakers. Register Now

March 23 OFC PIC Workshop: All You Need to Know in Order to Make a
Photonic IC
This year's OFC will feature the 3rd workshop on Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC). Last year's PIC Workshop at OFC attracted over 250 attendees and had a unique format consisting of sponsor presentations, then a networking break with catering and a mini market fair, followed by several use case presentations. The 3rd PIC workshop will have a broad group of sponsor companies and will be held during OFC, on Wednesday, 23 March, in Room 210AB, at the Anaheim Convention Center from 5:45pm-8:15pm with registration starting at 5:15pm.

Driven by 100Gbps in long-haul as well as in datacenter applications, photonic integration is picking up increasing momentum as it is becoming an indispensable part of those solutions. The purpose of the workshop is to create a one-stop-shop for everyone interested in photonic integration as it brings together all the key players offering solutions, whether foundries, simulation software, packaging, or turn-key solutions. A specific emphasis is on multi-project wafer shuttles (MPW) plus the accompanying Process Design Kits (PDK) as this provides an important toolkit to reduce the cost for developing a new chip.

The workshop will provide the audience with a good overall picture of the state-of-art in PICs as well as how to take advantage of existing suppliers to save time and cost. The workshop is free of charge, but does require advance registration. Food and drinks will be provided, and there will be plenty of time to network with the sponsor companies. The workshop is organized by 7 Pennies and OSA Industry Development Associates and is sponsored by LioniX, Lumerical, PhoeniX Software, VLC Photonics, Bright Photonics, Chiral Photonics, JePPIX, Smart Photonics, Fraunhofer/HHI, Oclaro, and more.

For more information and/or registration, please go to :

Use Your 20 Free Jobs Postings on—a $5,500 Value!
Share this with all hiring managers in your company to take advantage of your company's 20 free job postings.

Does Your Company Seek to Attract Top Talent? As an OSA Industry Development Associates member, your company gets 20 free job postings. Post your job openings now on and join other OIDA members who have found new hires on WiO. "Optonicus has connected with highly qualified candidates with strong skill sets through the Work-in-Optics website, and we look forward to connecting with future team members as our business grows." Tom Tumolillo, Jr., COO of Optonicus.

Other Human Resource Benefits for OSA Industry Development Associates Members:
  • Post additional jobs at 50% off the regular rate.
  • Free access to hundreds of qualified candidate resumes.
  • Track how often your jobs are viewed by job seekers.
  • Create automatic resume alerts to notify you when qualified candidates register.
No other industry site has the quality and quantity of resumes and jobs that WORKinOPTICS includes. Use your company benefits today.

Participate in Congressional Visits Day 2016
OSA and its National Photonics Initiative (NPI) partners are participating in the annual Congressional Visits Day (CVD) taking place in Washington, D.C. on 12-13 April 2016. As OSA celebrates its centennial this year, this is a great opportunity to educate your members of Congress about the impacts of optics and photonics over the last century and an opportunity to establish a relationship with your Congressional offices.

The NPI will be participating in this annual event to talk about the importance of R&D funding, the NPI and discuss other relevant legislation. Society staff will schedule and coordinate your day and will escort you to all of your meetings. Each participant will be placed on a combined society team. Training will occur on 12 April at The Optical Society's headquarters with a reception that evening on Capitol Hill. On 13 April, visits to your Congressional representatives will occur. Sign up to participate

Do You Have a License Ready Technology? Submit Now to the CLEO Technology Transfer Program
You are invited to submit a presentation for the Technology Transfer Program, scheduled for CLEO 2016 on 9 June, in San Jose, California. The submission deadline is 10 March 2016. Showcase your technologies to the Silicon Valley Venture Capital community and company representatives attending CLEO.

New Applied Optics Engineering and Laboratory Notes Now Online
Applied Optics now publishes articles called Engineering and Laboratory Notes (E&L Notes). These articles are intended to give engineers and technicians a venue to highlight laboratory techniques and hands-on skills required for the design, analysis, fabrication, integration, alignment, and measurement of optical components and systems.

Check out these recently published E&L Notes: Want to publish an E&L Note? Submit your manuscript today! If you aren't yet ready to submit, read this editorial by the E&L Notes Editor Brian Monacelli to learn more.

Want to get even more insight and access to great discussions about optics and photonics?
Join 3,000 of your colleagues in our Optics & Photonics Industry Network LinkedIn Group. This one-of-a-kind Forum for Industry lets you participate in discussions about cutting-edge issues. Extend your professional network. Exchange information about problems, ideas and solutions. Collaborate with experts in your field. Now is the perfect time to build a relationship with fellow optics and photonics professionals!
Linkedin Link Now...

Take advantage of your OSA Industry Development Associates Member Benefits
We are committed to ensuring the value of your OSA Industry Development Associates Membership, so please email OSA if you have any suggestions for new programs or comments on your membership.

Forward this message to your colleagues.

Not yet a member? Learn more about the benefits of membership.

OSA Industry Development Committee
Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.

 • Alex Fong,
    Gooch & Housego, Chair

 • Jean-Michel Pelaprat,
    Figulus, Past Chair

 • Henrik Skov
    Ibsen Photonics

 • Simin Cai,
• John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors

 • James Fisher,

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc.
 • Mike Mielke,

 • Martin Seifert,

 • Costel Subran,
    Opton Laser

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner,
Image for keeping the session alive