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OSA Corporate Member Newsletter
In this Issue:

Key Takeaways from OIDA's Biophotonics Town Hall Forum
There were some clear takeaways from the OIDA town hall meeting on biophotonics commercialization held in San Jose on 21 October. OIDA will synthesize the event in an upcoming report, but here are a few to think about.

First, biophotonics is not really a market. There is no end-user market for "biophotonics," only markets for things that biophotonics can do. More accurately, biophotonics is the set of product lines that address life science applications. Never forget the end-user market.
That said, people want to know: how much does it add up to? The figure shows the supply chain of biophotonics into the health care supply chain. (Strictly speaking, biophotonics also serves animal and plant sciences, and food safety, not included here.) The combined segments add to $54 billion, which support the $600 billion global market of medical hardware and pharmaceuticals, which supports the global health care services industry of $6.7 trillion, which supports the global economy.

And, don't look for the "missing technology" that's holding up market growth. Maybe there is such a gap, maybe it's an illusion, but in any case looking for such technologies is not the best approach. Instead, find out what the problems are that practitioners are having and find solutions. Go to their meetings. Follow the funding: such as for the BRAIN initiative, regenerative medicine, biologics, and CRISPR, to name just a few.

Stay tuned for the report and the next OIDA town hall meeting at BIOMED, 26-30 April in Miami.

OSA Industry Development Committee

Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.
 • Jean-Michel Pelaprat,
    Figulus, Chair

 • Allan Ashmead,

 • Henrik Skov
    Ibsen Photonics

 • Simin Cai,

 • John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors

 • James Fisher,

 • Alex Fong,
    Gooch & Housego

 • Steve Grubb,

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc.

 • Mike Mielke,

 • Jerry Rawls,

 • Martin Seifert,

 • Costel Subran,
    Opton Laser

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner,

The Myth of the Genius and the Brilliant New Idea
Here're a couple of myths for you: People think up new applications all the time. The Next Big Thing is around the corner. Wrong. In fact, most applications were almost certainly conceived long ago but the necessary technology wasn't in place to make it happen.

OIDA recently came across a Hughes ad from 1991, celebrating the laser and all the things it could do. It lists 100 applications, from fingerprinting diamonds and hardening surfaces to removing birthmarks and sizing dust particles. In fact, early articles from 1960s issues of Laser Focus World already identified applications that are familiar today, such as materials processing, spectroscopy, communications, medical treatment, and of course directed energy weapons. (An exception is using lasers for logging trees. We're still using saws for that.)

It asks, "Imagine what the next 31 years will bring," but we are 24 years from the ad and what's remarkable is not the new ideas, but how advances in parallel fields enabled innovation in lasers and market growth. The fiber laser is a perfect example: it was conceived in the 1960s, but an early attempt using the flash lamp as a pump was doomed. Innovations in fiber doping, wide area cores, and diode pumps combined to make fiber lasers an overnight sensation—after 40+ years! Likewise, the concept of photonic integration dates at least to the 1970s, and that of CMOS image sensors dates to the late 1960s.

The reality of the optics and photonics industry is not that there are lone geniuses who think up new applications. It's really a matter of many people working to refine and proliferate good technology. But that story isn't as romantic.

CEO of AIM Photonics, Michael Liehr, to Speak at Workshop on Integrated Photonics High Volume Packaging
20 Mar 2016 at OFC in Anaheim, CA, USA
The new American Institute for Manufacturing Photonics (AIM Photonics) is a manufacturing consortium, with funding from the US Department of Defense (DoD), New York State, and industrial partners to advance the state of the art in the design, manufacture, testing, assembly, and packaging of integrated photonic devices. More than $110 million federal investment and $500 million in non-federal funds make AIM Photonics the largest investment to date in President Barack Obama's National Network of Manufacturing Institutes (NNMI).

Mr. Liehr will describe the technical goals, operational framework, near-term milestones, and opportunities for the broader photonics community.

Secure your seat for the workshop, learn about opportunities for your company, and:
  • Get a complete overview of integrated photonics in high-volume packaging
  • Learn and network with the top experts in the field
  • Attend three presentation sessions, one discussion session, lunch, poster display, and special evening networking event

NTRP Seeks Input to Online Surveys for Roadmapping Effort
The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) is funding a program at the University of Rochester to develop a set of technology roadmaps for the photonics industry, called the NTRP (National Technology Roadmap for Photonics). This effort is part of NIST's Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia (AMTech) program. The NTRP is developing roadmaps for optics, lasers, imaging & sensing, biophotonics, and displays to represent the technologies and applications of photonics. A separate AMTech award is funding roadmap development for integrated photonics through a team led by MIT and iNEMI called the PSMC (Photonic Systems Manufacturing Consortium).

To allow for broad public input to the NTRP roadmaps, the NTRP created a set of short online surveys residing at OIDA is a cosponsor of the NTRP and, together with the NTRP, invites photonics industry professionals to take these surveys and to indicate if they are interested in contributing to roadmap development through the NTRP.

For more information, go to or contact Paul Ballantine, the Executive Director of the Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences at the University of Rochester.

Facility Tours by Members of Congress

Left to right: Stephen Fantone, President and CEO, Optikos; Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA); and Daniel Orband, Director of Engineering, Optikos
  Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) toured Optikos Corporation on National Manufacturing Day, October 2 (read the OSA News Release); while, Optimax Systems Inc. hosted a tour with Rep. John Katko (R-NY) in August. These tours provided an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of optics and photonics and to help build the relationship between the local facility and their member of Congress. To host a similar event in your own district, please contact the OSA public policy team at

Welcome New Industry Development Associates Members Top

Check Out the Recent Industry Reports Available to OIDA Members
Have you downloaded our newest industry reports? All OSA Industry Development Associates members have free access to all reports. We encourage you to browse the Publication Library to see everything available to you. Recent reports include a Market Update on optical communications, early-stage companies and an EPIC-Tematys executive summary, and a report on photonics technologies for ADAS in the automotive industry.

Call for Nominations: Berthold Leibinger Innovation Prize for Outstanding Innovations in Applied Laser Technology
Applications and nominations are being accepted through December 31st for the Berthold Leibinger Innovationspreis,honoring implemented inventions or technical development in applied laser technology. The ninth call for the innovation prize falls during the UNESCO's International Year of Light. Eligible to apply or to be nominated are individuals and project groups worldwide with innovations whose main development efforts and market potential lies in the application or generating of laser light.

Closing date: 31 December 2015
Prize money: First prize: 30.000 €, Second prize: 20.000 €, Third prize: 10.000 €

Learn More and Submit Your Application Today

New Applied Optics Engineering and Laboratory Notes Now Online
Applied Optics now publishes articles called Engineering and Laboratory Notes (E&L Notes). These articles are intended to give engineers and technicians a venue to highlight laboratory techniques and hands-on skills required for the design, analysis, fabrication, integration, alignment, and measurement of optical components and systems.

Check out these recently published E&L Notes: Want to publish an E&L Note? Submit your manuscript today! If you aren't yet ready to submit, read this editorial by the E&L Notes Editor Brian Monacelli to learn more.

Check Out the Newest Jobs & Post Your Jobs on OSA's WORKinOPTICS
Find Your Next Job Opportunity. The Optical Society's (OSA) online job board, connects qualified job, internship seekers and consultants within the optics and photonics community to leading employers in the industry. Search the WORKinOPTICS job postings and find the industry's leading employment opportunities all in one place! Recent jobs include: Post Your Job Openings Today. Not only is WORKinOPTICS the best way to find qualified candidates, but it's also a great way to reinvest in our community and help build the optics and photonics profession. Unlike the commercial job boards, our site is owned specifically by OSA and was developed solely with industry employers in mind. When you purchase a job posting package on WORKinOPTICS, the revenue that is generated will stay within our society. This leads to enhanced professional development programs, education programs and initiatives that will help us provide you with a wider range of relevant, high-quality talent. Your support helps our society enhance the professional value of our talent pool. Visit WORKinOPTICS and connect with candidates that have the education and professional experience to make an impact from day one. OSA Industry Development Associates Members: Take Advantage of Your FREE Career Services--Post 20 job openings and unlimited internships!

Connect with 270,000 Industry Leaders All Year Long when You Sponsor the OSA Centennial Celebration!
The Optical Society is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2016, and we are inviting your company to be part of our festivities. Choose one of our three Centennial Sponsorship options and your company will be highlighted in a year-long calendar of special events and programs that will provide you with high visibility in the optics and photonics market. To learn more contact Centennial Sponsorships at +1 (202) 416.1957. A sponsorship opportunity like this happens only once every 100 years!

View the OSA100 video. The Countdown is On! Start counting down to the Centennial now.

Current sponsors include Thorlabs, Edmund Optics, Idex, OFS, and Synopsys, Inc.

Want to get even more insight and access to great discussions about optics and photonics?
Join 3,000 of your colleagues in our Optics & Photonics Industry Network LinkedIn Group. This one-of-a-kind Forum for Industry lets you participate in discussions about cutting-edge issues. Extend your professional network. Exchange information about problems, ideas and solutions. Collaborate with experts in your field. Now is the perfect time to build a relationship with fellow optics and photonics professionals!
Linkedin Link Now...

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Image for keeping the session alive