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OSA Corporate Member Newsletter
In this Issue:

The Half-Trillion Dollar Optics and Photonics Industry
Revenues in optics and photonics reached $480 billion in 2014, a new high, and good news for the industry. The moderate 6% growth is relatively strong for such a large industry. These findings are from the OSA Industry Development Associates, using preliminary estimates for 2014 production.

No one can actually comprehend a half trillion dollars, so why does it matter? The estimate helps to cross-reference OSA's other efforts to characterize the industry up and down the supply chain. Strong sectors include LED lighting, biomedical systems, a recovering photovoltaic segment, and displays. The display sector alone is so large that a modest bump up or down amounts to billions of dollars.

The $480 billion includes enabled products, display modules, and other components, as shown in the figure, with a forecast for 2015. These three categories track those used by OIDA for many years, where "enabled products" includes cameras, LED lighting, optical networking equipment, and so forth.

Expanding the definition of optics-enabled products to include many excluded end-products (such as smartphones, TVs, and laptop computers) would raise the estimate well past $1 trillion, amounting to several percent of the worldwide production of non-agricultural goods.

Why stop there? One can argue that nearly the entire $78 trillion world economy is "enabled" in some way by optics and photonics, particularly through displays and fiber optic communications. A 2011 report prepared by Photonics21 for the European Union made the more measured claim that approximately 10% of the European economy was "leveraged" by photonics. However, such broad claims aren't very useful for monitoring the industry, and the same claims could be made for many products, such as clean water, or electrical power cords.

More details appear in the OIDA Market Update provided to OSA Industry Development Associates members.


More on the "Disaggregation" of Data Center Networks
We wrote in the January newsletter about the new buzzword in networking called disaggregation, featured in our upcoming workshop collocated at OFC
2015. OIDA and CIAN selected this emerging topic because it is a challenge to understand, and not yet covered elsewhere in depth. To begin with, everyone seems to have a different definition of "disaggregation," just as we heard about SDN (software-defined networking) in the 2014 workshop.

Think of disaggregation this way: you dis-assemble the elements on a server blade and regroup them—physically or virtually—in the data center network so that you can use them more efficiently. But if you put all the disk storage in one set of racks, and the microprocessors in another, you will still need the high speed interconnect that you had on the board, but now spanning racks and the data center. Only optics can do this, but with this disaggregated architecture you need the optics to carry much more data at approximately the same price as the copper did on the board.
OSA Industry Development Committee

Thank you to the volunteers who oversee the programs and services available to the Industry Community.
 • Jean-Michel Pelaprat,
    Figulus, Chair

 • Alex Fong,
    Gooch & Housego,

 • Allan Ashmead,

 • Henrik Skov
    Ibsen Photonics

 • Simin Cai,

 • John Dexheimer,
    Lightwave Advisors

 • James Fisher,

 • Steve Grubb,

 • Fred Leonberger,
    Technologies, LLC

 • Claudio Mazzali,
    Corning, Inc.

 • Mike Mielke,

 • Jerry Rawls,

 • Martin Seifert,

 • Costel Subran,
    Opton Laser

 • Paul Then,
    Corning, Inc.

 • Steve Yao,
    General Photonics

 • Christoph Harder,
    Harder and Partner

 • Sheng Liu,
    KLA-Tencor Corp.,
    Young Professional
That's the challenge: can optics achieve that goal cost-effectively? And what applications would drive or benefit from that trend?

We offer again this figure from the January newsletter that shows the overlapping concepts of open software, SDN, and NFV. No wonder there is confusion in the market, with so many variations with these three concepts alone. Where does disaggregation fit on this diagram? Come to the workshop and find out!

Register here for the workshop, to be held 22 March in Los Angeles, collocated with OFC 2015. This will be the 5th in a series done in partnership with CIAN, the NSF center managed out of the University of Arizona. Figure source: "Network Functions Virtualization Introductory White Paper" from SDN and OpenFlow World Congress (2012), available here.

NPI Progress on Photonics in Biomedicine
A grassroots effort is emerging from the U.S. National Photonics Initiative (NPI) aimed at photonics in biomedicine, specifically in neurobiology. The effort is called PING, for Photonics Industry Working Group, and leverages the Obama Administration's BRAIN Initiative. The NPI approach is different from the work leading up to the current competition for the Integrated Photonics Institute for Manufacturing Innovation (IP-IMI—see previous newsletters), which leverages an Obama Administration initiative in manufacturing.

The BRAIN Initiative is foremost an effort to develop the tools to create a real-time neural map of the brain. It is an ambitious goal, akin to the space program of the 1960s or the Human Genome Project of the 1990s. It has already modified its scope somewhat to consider more than just the "wiring diagram," but also the blood solution in which the neurons are immersed, and the diseases related to brain activity. While much of the initial funding is already allocated, the Administration hopes to spend $4.5 billion over 12 years on the initiative. It is likely to have broad political support, and optics research will be right in the middle of it.

Corporate members of the PING working group went on record with a commitment of $30 million in existing and future R&D over 3 years to advance optics and photonics in support of the BRAIN Initiative. While the money is not coming equally from the major names listed in the press release, it nonetheless really is old and new R&D money aimed toward the BRAIN Initiative goals.

The PING effort builds on a 2013 NPI white paper and was launched with a September 2014 event with officials from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Led by Tom Baer at Stanford University, PING is now refining its broad challenges listed in the press release to more specific and actionable goals, as input to the agencies partnering in the BRAIN initiative. For more information, contact Laura Kolton or refer to the NPI press release.

Welcome New Industry Development Associates Members

OFC is Just Weeks Away
The OFC Conference and Exposition is 22-26 March in Los Angeles at The Los Angeles Convention Center featuring 550+ exhibitors showcasing new products in optical networking and communications. Plus there are 25 business sessions on SDN, Data Center and Networks and more. It's the place to be for the people, products and technologies to carry you into the future. Register in advance or on site.

Industry Programming in the OFC Exhibit Hall
Don't miss three days of free show floor programming in OFC's Three EXPO Theaters 24-26 March! Register for your Exhibits Pass Plus for free admission to the show floor.

Market Watch
Service Provider Summit
Other industry programs

You're Invited—2 Special Full-Day Events at OFC
OSA Industry Development Associates will be presenting two special all-day events at OFC this year. You are invited and encouraged to attend. Please note that a separate registration is required for both of these special events.

OSA Executive Forum, 7:00-19:30, 23 March at OFC—Separate Registration Required
This is the premier annual event for leaders in optical networking and communications. Meet executives from Facebook, Google, Ciena, CenturyLink, Microsoft and more. OSA Executive Forum is your exclusive opportunity to hear insider perspectives in an uncensored environment, while participating in high-level networking.
See the Complete Lineup of Industry Leaders Who Will be Speaking
View the Program
Register Now (Special Discounts are Available to OSA Industry Development Associates Members)

OSA Photonics for Disaggregated Data Centers Workshop, 7:30-19:00, 22 March at OFC—Separate Registration Required
This full day workshop presents industry leaders from companies like Intel and Facebook discussing new opportunities for optics in disaggregated data centers. Attend and get a deep look at the potential for photonic devices and networks in disaggregated data center architectures. Understand this new direction in data center architecture: what it is, how will it develop going forward, and what does it mean for optical systems and components.
See the Complete Lineup of Industry Leaders Who Will be Speaking
View the Program
Register Now (Special Discounts are Available to OSA Industry Development Associates Members)

These two events are presented by OSA Industry Development Associates and are open to all OFC registrants—but require a separate registration.

2015 OSA Advocate of Optics Recognition
U.S. Congressman Tom Reed (R-NY) was presented with the 2015 OSA Advocate of Optics recognition. Every year, the OSA Public Policy Committee chooses to recognize an outstanding public official, either domestically or abroad, who demonstrates leadership and efforts in support of the advancement of the science of light. Congressman Reed was chosen for his leadership in passing a key advanced manufacturing bill (Revitalize American Manufacturing and Innovation Act) and for securing language in the bill on optics and photonics. The optics and photonics language in the bill helps to send a message to the Administration that optics and photonics are important to Congress and has the potential to lead to future opportunities through the Federal agencies that optics and photonics may not have otherwise had.

Past recipients of the Advocate of Optics recognition include: Isao Sugino (Japan), former U.S. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, Neelie Kroes and Antonio Tajani (European Union), U.S. Reps. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), Rush Holt (D-NJ), and Bill Shuster (R-PA) and U.S. Senators Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and Christopher Bond (R-MO).

Applied Optics Engineering and Laboratory Notes Now Online
Applied Optics (AO) now accepts a new type of article called Engineering and Laboratory Notes (E&L Notes) to give engineers and technicians a venue to highlight laboratory techniques and hands-on skills required for the design, analysis, fabrication, integration, alignment, and measurement of optical components and systems. Recently, AO has published several E&L Notes:
Want to publish your own E&L Note? Submit your manuscript today! Or, read this editorial by the E&L Notes Editor Brian Monacelli to learn more.

Live & On-Demand Webinars
OSA Industry Development Associates Webinars connect you with subject experts and global thought leaders in management, business, and technology which are relevant to professionals in the optics and photonics community. These invaluable sessions will give you in-depth, timely, relevant, and actionable information on a variety of topics critical to your business and your career.

View upcoming live webinars including Adaptive Optics: Latest Results in Vision Science, Microscopy and Astronomy

View on-demand webinars.

20 Free Job Postings Available on, the Global Talent Hub for Optics & Photonics
The Optical Society's (OSA) online job board, connects leading employers, qualified job and internship seekers and consultants within the optics and photonics community. Whether you're searching for a job, someone to fill a job, or exploring career options, is a reliable global resource that can help you to make valuable connections in industry and academia.

OSA Industry Development Associates members get 20 free job postings and 50% OFF additional postings.

Post your resume at no charge. Learn more.

If you are attending OFC this year be sure to check out the online job fair.


2015 TIBBETTS and SBIR Hall of Fame Awards Call for Nominations
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is seeking nominations for its annual Tibbetts and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Hall of Fame Awards. Nominations can be submitted online at The deadline is 11:59 p.m. EDT, April 10, 2015. Please note that for the first time, there is an option for nominations to be made by video presentation.

Questions should be sent to please put "help" in the subject line of the email. Nominations must be emailed to no later than April 10, 2015. You will receive a notification of receipt within 2 business days.

In the meantime please visit for more information.

Nominate a Team for the Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award by 2 July 2015
OSA sponsors over 20 awards and medals that acknowledge a broad array of contributions and achievements in the optics and photonics community. To specifically recognize teams who have made major contributions in optical engineering, OSA presents the Team Engineering Excellence Award. Named in honor of Paul F. Forman, whose approach admirably exemplified team achievements, the Forman Award recognizes technical achievements such as product engineering, process and software development, and patent development, as well as contributions to society such as engineering education, publication and management, and furthering public appreciation of optical engineering.

This award recognizes key team achievement by members of our engineering community - your employees and colleagues. So take this opportunity to show the importance of these team engineering activities to your organization now. Nominate a team whose has made a significant contribution to your company and to the optical engineering field.

The deadline for nominations is 2 July 2015. The 2015 award will be presented in October 2015 in San Jose, California, during Frontiers in Optics 2015. Please contact the OSA Awards Office for more information and assistance in preparing a nomination ( or 1.202.416.1960).

Nominations must be for teams. Deadline: 2 July 2015

Registration is Open for the 2nd Workshop on Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC) at OFC
The first workshop was held at OFC 2014 and had over 200 attendees. The 2nd PIC workshop will have a larger group of sponsor companies and will be held during OFC, on Wednesday, 25 March in Room 502A, at the Los Angeles Convention Center from 18:00-21:00.

Photonic Integration is becoming a key technology to deliver on the ever increasing demand for bandwidth in long-haul and datacenter communications. This year's photonic integrated circuit workshop at OFC is designed to create a one-stop-shop for everyone interested in photonic integration. The evening brings together key players in the design ecosystem from foundries and turn-key design services to simulation tool and packaging vendors. With a focus on multi-project wafer shuttles (MPW) and the required Process Design Kits (PDK) for cost effective chip design, attendees will learn about the state-of-the-art in PICs and how to work with existing suppliers to design and fabricate a PIC for their application. The workshop is free of charge, but does require advance registration. Food and drinks will be provided and there will be plenty of time to network with the sponsor companies. The workshop is organized by 7 Pennies & OSA Industry Development Associates and sponsored by ePIXfab (IMEC, LETI and Luceda), JePPIX (Fraunhofer Institute, Oclaro, and Smart Photonics), LioniX, Lumerical Solutions, Mentor, PhoeniX Software, Bright Photonics, VLC Photonics, Chiral Photonics, and Technobis. Use cases presented by Chris Doerr from Acacia, Pim Kat from Technobis, Chris Roeloffzen from Satrax, and HF Bulthuis from Kaiam. For more information and/or registration, please go to

Special OSA Industry Development Associates Member Rates are Available for Exhibitors at OSA Topical Meetings
Contact our Business Development Team at to secure your space at OSA-Sponsored Topical Meetings. These tightly-focused events bring together the leading minds in the optics and photonics community to explore hot topics like biomedical breakthroughs, optical communications, imaging and energy.

Want to get even more insight and access to great discussions about optics and photonics?
Join 2,800 of your colleagues in our Optics & Photonics Industry Network LinkedIn Group. This one-of-a-kind Forum for Industry lets you participate in discussions about cutting-edge issues. Extend your professional network. Exchange information about problems, ideas and solutions. Collaborate with experts in your field. Now is the perfect time to build a relationship with fellow optics and photonics professionals!
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We are committed to ensuring the value of your OSA Industry Development Associates Membership, so please email OSA if you have any suggestions for new programs or comments on your membership.

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