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Act Now! Free admission is available to all OIDA Members for the OIDA Software Defined Photonic and Data Center Networks Workshop being held at OFC on 9 March. Learn more and register today!


OIDA Releases Report on NSF Foundry Workshop

OIDA hosted a workshop last fall on a U.S.-based silicon photonics foundry for NSF, and released the final report on that workshop last month. At the workshop, there was the expected agreement that silicon photonics is important and on the need for a U.S.-based foundry service. More important, however, was the sentiment that such a foundry must leverage an existing large-volume, state-of-the-art CMOS facility; ideally, one that has already demonstrated capability in silicon photonics. This means capability for 200+mm wafers and 193-nm immersion lithography.

The point of such capability is not that the foundry users require the finest features or the largest wafers per se, but rather that such fabs have the most advanced process control for making repeatable, commercially-viable devices. Tight process control makes the foundry more attractive and speeds device development. But there are few fabs with such capability, and the more stable the process, the less flexible it is for users, as shown in the figure. In market terms, this narrows the market, excluding those who require more flexibility than can be offered.

Several U.S. government agencies are quietly working this issue, both top-down and bottom-up. Ultimately, it's a matter of finding funds within a tight U.S. budget. OIDA also continues to examine this issue, including a cost analysis of a U.S. foundry and the assembly-side issues of photonic integration. For more information about the workshop report, contact Tom Hausken at OIDA.

Software-Defined Networking and Software-Defined Photonics: Putting the Things Straight at OFC!

Read OIDA SDN & Data Center Workshop Speaker loannis Tomkos, PhD. Blog Post

Enter OSA's Annual Enabled by Optics Contest--Where Innovative Companies are Recognized for How Their Technology Impacts the World

Share Your Story, Enter the Contest, And Win Free Publicity! Submission Deadline: 30 April 2014

Optics technology is a critical component in the products we all use every day, yet some may ask: What’s optics have to do with it? OSA's annual Enabled by Optics contest provides businesses like yours with a platform to showcase your technology and explain how it impacts our world. It's easy to enter. Put together a creative narrative on how your technology has impacted Society. Submissions will be judged on the following:
  • Impact on Society – Demonstrate the economical, behavioral, or human impact on Society
  • Uniqueness – How do you differentiate your technology from others?
  • Creativity – Inspire the judges with your story
What You Will Win: A lot of publicity including an OSA produced video featuring your company, your customer’s company and the end-user talking about the specific technology featured in your submission. Read more. Check out the video about last year’s winner.
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OIDA Market Update Features Machine Tools

OIDA's latest Market Update highlights the market for lasers for machine tools. These are lasers used to cut, weld, drill, pattern, and treat materials - the segment is also called materials processing lasers or industrial lasers. The largest segment, in revenues, is for sheet metal cutting tools. These tools use kilowatt lasers, generally costing $100,000 or more apiece. With thousands of cutters installed every year, this amounts to a large, relatively standardized billion-$ application, but one where tools are sold to contract machine shops one tool at a time.

Fiber lasers continue to gain share, particularly in the important metal cutting segment where the gains have the most revenue impact. The fiber laser market leader, IPG Photonics, has grown its revenues 10X in 10 years. Regionally, China has been the most important development of late: as a target market for the tools (sold to end-users), the lasers (sold to Chinese tool integrators), and as a region of emerging laser suppliers. The value of domestic and imported lasers for Chinese machine tools now exceeds well over $2 billion.

The machine tool industry includes additive manufacturing, itself comprising high-power additive metal processes and low-power additive plastic processes. OIDA covered the market opportunity for photonics in additive manufacturing in the previous (December 2013) Market Update.

The February Market Update also features updates in optical components in CATV networks, 400G, and rack- to chip-level optical interconnects. It also features some market background on the winner of the inaugural OSA Enabled by Optics award, to Trojan Technologies, for its UV water treatment technology. Visit the Publications Library to view reports.
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Three Upcoming OIDA Roadmapping Events

OIDA will host a panel to review the National Photonics Initiative and roadmapping efforts in optical communications on March 11 in South Hall Expo Theater II at OFC, in San Francisco. The panelists will cover roadmapping of optical interconnects from the chip level to data center networks. The panel will be informational only, there is not time even to present the finer details of the roadmaps. However, it will be a unique opportunity to see the roadmapping efforts in one place, and to discuss the gaps and direction during the panel discussion. Click here for more information. Registration is free.

Also at OFC, OIDA is co-hosting a workshop to discuss how the promises of SDN - software defined networking - meet the realities of the physical layer of optical communications. While SDN is a popular buzzword, it is gaining momentum. However, it's one thing to promise that a software layer can cure all that ails networks today, and it's another thing to actually achieve that at the optics level. This workshop will examine this topic, particularly with respect to data centers, which provides a more controlled environment to implement the SDN architecture. This is the 4th workshop co-hosted with CIAN, and will feature again a student poster session. Click here for more information. Registration is free to OIDA members.

OIDA is also soliciting presentations for a workshop that will examine the path to single-wavelength 100 Gigabit Ethernet optical interconnects. This is not a workshop to evaluate the pros and cons of the single-wavelength approach. Rather, for the purpose of the workshop, we assume that 100GbE single-lambda will happen, and then ask the questions: what will it look like? What will it take to get there? What are the tradeoffs? OIDA is co-hosting this workshop with the Ethernet Alliance, and it will be held on June 12-13 in San Jose, collocated with CLEO. For more information, contact Tom Hausken at OIDA.

OFC is Next Week - 8 March - 13 March in San Francisco

OFC is the leading event in optical networking and communications. The show floor features over 550 exhibits and free business programming. See new products, meet with vendors and compare solutions. Register for Exhibits Pass Plus and admittance to the show floor is free.

Last Chance--Attend Executive Forum 2014 Held in Conjunction with OFC on 10 March.

Space is Limited Register Now. OIDA Members: Buy 1 Registration - Bring a Customer or Colleague for Free.

Registration includes:

Panel Discussions:
  • Panel 1: Packet Optical Network Evolution in a Software-centric World
  • Panel 2: Why are Non-Carriers Building Their Own Networks?
  • Panel 3: Silicon Photonics - What is it Good for?
  • Panel 4: Vertical Integration as an Element of Business Strategy
  • Networking events: Breakfast, lunch, two coffee breaks and evening reception.
Register Now and bring a colleague for free.
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Congressional Visits Day 2014 (March 25 & 26)

Please consider joining OSA as part of the annual Congressional Visits Day (CVD) taking place in Washington, DC on March 25-26, 2014. This is a great opportunity to establish a relationship with your Congressional offices and to educate your members of Congress on the importance of optics and photonics.

Over 250+ scientists, engineers, business leaders and educators will travel to Washington, DC to meet with their members of Congress and talk about the importance of research & development (R&D) funding. This year, OSA will be participating in this annual event to talk about not only the importance of R&D funding but to educate members of Congress about the National Photonics Initiative (NPI).

Each participant will be placed on a combined society team based on your geographic region. There will be training on March 25 in Washington, DC focusing on the NPI and how to have an effective meeting. That evening, you will have the opportunity to join colleagues at a reception on Capitol Hill. On March 26, you and your team will visit your Congressional representatives. Society staff will schedule and coordinate your day and will escort you to all of your meetings.

To sign up visit or contact Laura Kolton at
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OIDA Contributor Fred Kish Elected to U.S. National Academy

OIDA would like to congratulate Fred Kish, Senior Vice President at member company Infinera for his election to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, announced here. Dr. Kish has been an important contributor to many recent OIDA efforts. He joins many colleagues from the optics and photonics community, including OIDA board member Dr. Fred Leonberger and fellow OSA staff Dr. Tom Giallorenzi.

Are You Taking Advantage of All Your Member Benefits?

Check out the complete list of benefits available to you as an OIDA member. These now include OSA Corporate Member benefits such as:
  • Secure the Right Talent through Post 20 job openings at no charge, with additional postings at 50% off.
  • Gain exclusive access to OSA's individual members -- more than 18,000 optics professionals. Your first mailing list order includes 5,000 names at no charge.
  • And More - Learn more about all of the OIDA/OSA Corporate Member benefits.
Image for keeping the session alive