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We are delighted to bring you this update on OIDA’s recent activities and hope that you will take advantage of the quality reporting and special events we have planned. Many thanks for your membership and for your participation!

2 Upcoming Workshops: March 7th & April 12-13

Silicon Photonics: Developing a Roadmap for High-Performance Optical Interconnects
March 7, 2011, Los Angeles, California, USA (held in conjunction with OFC/NFOEC)

Short-Distance High-Density Optical Interconnects: A Roadmapping Workshop
April 12-13, 2011, Stanford, California, USA

Sensors Report Now Available—Free to OIDA Members

The summary report from the December 2010 Photonic Sensors Symposium is now available online to OIDA members.

This report can be accessed with your OIDA corporate member username and password here

Publication and Presentation Library—The password/username combination above may be used to access the full OIDA Member Library of publications and presentations. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us at

2 Upcoming Advocacy Activities

OIDA is a co-sponsor for two Capitol Hill events in which we hope you will be able to participate. To join these efforts, contact us by email at or by phone at 202-416-1449.

Congressional Visits Day
April 6-7, 2011—Your opportunity to visit congressional offices to raise awareness of your organization’s key interests and encourage funding support for research and development.

Capitol Hill Day
May 4-5, 2011—A great way to make your voice heard on science issues such as funding for scientific research and development by visiting directly with your elected officials in Washington, D.C.

OIDA's 20th Anniversary!

OIDA's Anniversary celebration will begin during OFC/NFOEC '11 with a reception the evening of Monday, March 7th (following the OIDA Silicon Photonics Workshop) and an OFC/NFOEC exhibit booth.

OSA Collaboration

In January 2011, OIDA and the Optical Society of America formed organizational ties.


Contact Us

Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA)
2010 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 416-1449 Fax: (202) 558-7349
E-mail: | Web:

Image for keeping the session alive