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This last newsletter of the year highlights OIDA's next FOUR WORKSHOPS plus a special opportunity to participate in Congressional Visits Day—get ready for a great 2012!

OIDA workshops coming in 2012!

Participate in Congressional Visits Day…

OIDA member companies are invited to participate in the Congressional Visits Day (CVD) 2012 event taking place in Washington, DC on 24 and 25 April. CVD brings together over 300 scientists, engineers, and business leaders to educate Congress about the importance of science and technology with a focus on R&D funding. This event is an opportunity for OIDA members to meet with members of Congress and their staff to highlight the role the optics industry plays in your district and state. In Washington, the focus is on the federal deficit and cutting funding for programs. Funding at key S&T agencies is certainly in jeopardy for Fiscal Year 2013 which is why your voice is needed now more than ever to talk about the importance of R&D.

The two day event begins with a briefing at OSA/OIDA headquarters on the morning of 24 April. Later that day, the entire CVD group meets for an extensive briefing of the R&D budget at AAAS by Administration and Congressional officials. In the evening, there is a reception on Capitol Hill with table top exhibitors highlighting technology made possible by federal R&D funding. On the second day, all participants are assigned to "teams" and escorted by OSA staff to Capitol Hill for meetings with their Members of Congress. Contact Grace Klonoski for details (phone: 202-416-1449,

Welcome new OIDA Member!

Warburg Pincus is a leading global private equity firm. The firm has more than $30 billion in assets under management. Its active portfolio of more than 125 companies is highly diversified by stage, sector and geography.Warburg Pincus is a growth investor and an experienced partner to management teams seeking to build durable companies with sustainable value.

Founded in 1966, Warburg Pincus has raised 13 private equity funds which have invested more than $40 billion in over 650 companies in more than 30 countries. Warburg Pincus is focused on investing in growth opportunities across the Consumer, Industrial and Services (CIS), energy, healthcare, financial institutions and telecommunications, media and technology (TMT) sectors.

The firm is headquartered in New York with offices in Amsterdam, Beijing, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Mumbai, San Francisco, Sao Paulo and Shanghai. For more information, please visit

Check out these videos from the
OIDA Aggregation Network Workshop!

In October, the OIDA hosted an aggregation network workshop that featured twelve invited presentations, panel discussions, a student poster session and lots of audience interaction. OIDA members may freely view the video presentations and slides.

A summary report of the workshop will be published and distributed to OIDA Members in Q1/2012.

Your OIDA Benefits in Review…

OIDA members receive a wide range of exclusive benefits. As a member company, your organization’s entire staff may take advantage of OIDA resources--including free publication and video downloads, registration discounts, news updates, networking opportunities and other valuable members-only services!

OIDA member benefits include:

  • WORKSHOPS—Held throughout the year and focused on topics of key interest to OIDA members.
  • ROADMAP REPORTS—Unique industry studies that both capture today’s environment and project near and long-term trends.
  • NETWORKING EVENTS—Members-only opportunities to establish and build relationships across and throughout the industry.
  • INDUSTRY & WASHINGTON UPDATES—Online news briefs on business and political topics.
  • MEMBERS-ONLY ONLINE SERVICES—OIDA members have exclusive access to the online publications archive, event presentations and more!
  • LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES—OIDA member companies have the unique opportunity to set the course of Association activities such as technical meetings and reports.
  • FREE ANNUAL FORUM REGISTRATION—In addition to registration discounts throughout the year, members receive one free registration to the OIDA Annual Forum.
  • FREE CONFERENCE ROOM SPACE—OIDA members receive free room space at the OSA headquarters building in Washington, DC.

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Contact Us

Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA)
2010 Massachusetts Ave., Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 416-1449 Fax: (202) 558-7349
E-mail: | Web:

Image for keeping the session alive