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Leaving A Lasting Impression At The Final Step Of The Job Search Process By Preparing An Industry-Style Interview Presentation

03 June 2020 14:00 - 15:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

Over 90% of PhD-level jobs require the job candidate to present during the interview (Science). The presentation you give must not be an academic-style presentation. Instead, you must prepare a presentation that speaks to both technical professional and non-technical professionals. Most often, the audience for your presentation will include HR professionals, direct supervisors, and potential colleagues in cross-functional roles from departments as diverse as sales & marketing, R&D, medical affairs, operations, management, and more. The common "brief" for these presentations is simply, "Present a little about yourself, your work and your interests" and nothing more. This webinar will show you exactly how to prepare such a presentation.

Isaiah Hankel, PhD is the Founder & CEO of Cheeky Scientist, which has over 3 million PhD annual readers worldwide and over 15,000 members of it's advanced career training programs. Isaiah has helped thousands of PhDs in over 100+ countries transition into cutting-edge, industry career tracks and has worked with numerous industry leaders, including Amazon, Apple, Corning, JML Optical, Coherent, Intel, Dow Chemical, Roche, Lilly Pharmaceuticals, Amgen, and Genentech. He is the author of the business bestsellers, "Black Hole Focus", which went to #1 internationally and, ‘The Science of Intelligent Achievement’; both published by Wiley.

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