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Incubator Meeting Topic Proposal

Optica Incubator Meetings are intended to provide unique and focused experiences to a limited group of 30 to 40 invited experts who will examine, in detail, topics at the forefront of optical research, development or application. These “deep-dive” meetings are aimed at identifying emerging trends, examining technology barriers and ways to overcome them, and/or examing ways to accelerate the introduction of optical technologies into applications.
Recommending Potential Future Incubator Meetings: Optica continuously strives to expand the incubator meeting program to examine new and burgeoning topics. Please use the following form to suggest a potential incubator meeting you would be interested in hosting or a topic area you would recommend we explore. Incubators are intended to be held at Optica headquarters in Washington DC. Please note if this is not an acceptable venue and suggest another host location.

Meeting Information

(brief – 50-75 word - description)
(include an overview of the program topic area and/or questions you are hoping to answer – up to 300 words)
(Identify potential co-hosts, or if this is a meeting you are recommending but cannot host identify possible hosts.)
(highlight potential government/corporate sponsors)

Contact Information

Image for keeping the session alive