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Matthew Graham

Photo of Matthew Graham

Matt Graham is an Associate Professor of Physics at Oregon State University. His undergraduate degree is from the University of Toronto, and his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University until starting his Micro-Femto Energetics Laboratory at Oregon State University, Physics. Matt’s lab studies transport and spectroscopy in condensed phase materials and devices. His Micro-Femto Energetics Lab can resolve electronic relaxation, transport, and energy transfer occurring on femtosecond (10-15 s) timescale with sub-micron (<10-6 m) spatial resolution.  Unconventional ultrafast microscopy approaches such as ultrafast-resolved photocurrents serve to optimize energy efficiency in emerging solar materials and better harness new quantum materials.  He is a lifetime member of The Optical Society.


Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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