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Linhui Yu

Photo of Linhui Yu

Linhui (Lynn) Yu is currently a Research Fellow in the Tearney Lab in the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA. Linhui's first exposure to optics and photonics was during a visit to the Micro/Nano Manufacturing Technology Laboratory of Tianjin University, China. Intrigued by the freeform optics and nano-fabrication, she joined the lab as a research assistant to work on the design and fabrication of freeform multi-aperture optics, such as the artificial compound eye. Linhui obtained her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Calgary, Canada. In the Integrated Circuits and Optical Imaging Lab, her graduate research focused on developing spectroscopic systems to measure blood-related changes in a small target volume in the brain. These systems can potentially enable neuroscientists to study how the brain works and explore treatments for brain diseases in animal models. At the Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Linhui's work focuses on the development and translation of a high resolution, cross-sectional imaging technology, micro-optical coherence tomography (μOCT).
Linhui has been an active member and passionate volunteer for the optics and photonics society both locally and internationally. Linhui was the president of the University of Calgary OSA and SPIE student chapter. She has served as an Education and Outreach Committee member, Career Lab Editorial Board member and Student Leadership Workshop facilitator for SPIE. Linhui is a STEM education enthusiast with the hopes to inspire and encourage youth to become the next generation of engineers and scientists.
As a 2021 OSA Ambassador, Linhui is committed to providing career advice, technical knowledge and mentorship to support students and early career professionals. She would be more than happy to share her stories and lessons learned from her multidisciplinary and multicultural research, education and volunteering experiences.

Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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