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Federico Furch

Photo of Federico Furch

Federico Furch received a degree in Physics from the Univesity of Buenos Aires, Argentina in 2004. Between 2004 and 2010 he worked towards his PhD in Physics at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins CO, USA. During his PhD he worked in the group of Prof. Jorge Rocca developing high energy, high repetition rate, cryogenically cooled Yb-based laser amplifiers for pumping plasma-based EUV lasers.

After finishing his PhD in 2010, Federico moved to the FOM-AMOLF institute in Amsterdam, Netherlands and one year later to the Max Born Institute in Berlin, Germany. In both places he worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Marc Vrakking developing high repetition rate and high average power light sources for applications in Attosecond Science. Since 2015 he is part of the permanent scientific staff of the Max Born Institute.

Federico joined the Optical Society as a student, while working towards his PhD at Colorado State University. Since then he has attended many OSA sponsored conferences and workshops. He serves as a reviewer for several OSA journals, and since 2017 he is part of the OSA Traveling Lecturer Program.

Federico is also member of the Network of Argentinean Scientists in Germany (RCAA: Red de Científicos Argentinos en Alemania), an organization that seeks to strengthen the connection between scientists and scientific institutions in both countries and supports the scientific community in Argentina as well as the scientific Argentinean community in Germany.


Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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