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Aura Higuera Rodriguez

Photo of Aura Higuera Rodriguez

In 2010 I graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a bachelor in Telecommunications Engineering. I got my master degree in photonics in January 2013 by Friedrich Schiller University of Jena with a thesis on novel optical beam shapes for skin rejuvenation. In January 2013 I started a PhD position at Eindhoven University of Technology in the photonic integration group. My research was dedicated to photonic crystals nano-beam lasers, metal gratings, passivation of active semiconductor compounds and the generic technology platform COBRA. In 2017 I started working as JePPIX Coordinator and Application Support in the Photonic Integration Technology Center, where I did dissemination activities, roadmapping, project lead, and strengthening of the PIC ecosystem. From January 2019 I joined Synopsys Photonic Solutions as Technical Account Manager.


Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

Image for keeping the session alive