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Gordon Memorial Speakership

Present on quantum information and optics at CLEO.

Application Dates
01 Jan 0001 - 01 Jan 0001
Program Prize

US$1,500 honorarium

Application Information

How To Apply

Be nominated by the CLEO Program Chairs

Important Dates

Invited speakers will be reviewed by the chairs and a recipient will be determined based on the criteria of the award.

Opens 01 January 0001
Closes 01 January 0001

Applicant Requirements
  • Be an invited speaker at the CLEO conference
  • Have a presentation related to quantum information and/or quantum optics
  • Demonstrated high-impact contributions to quantum electronics and photonics
  • Attend and present at CLEO
  • Be recommended for consideration by a CLEO Program Chair
  • Agree to let the foundation record their onsite presentation and provide it at no charge through the Optica online media libraryand to use their picture, name and story in program marketing opportunities
Application Requirements
  • CLEO program chairs will nominate a maximum of two invited speakers who fulfil the criteria for eligibility
  • CLEO general chairs will review all recommendations and select a maximum of one speakership recipient
  • The recommendation of the CLEO General Chairs is reviewed by the Optica Foundation for final approval

2022 Recipient

Ekkehard Peik
Ekkehard Peik
Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany

He was invited to present “Optical Clocks with Trapped Ions” at CLEO 2022.

Past Recipients

  • Chao-Yang Lu, University of Science and Technology in China, China (2021)
  • Jelena Vuckovic, QFarm, Stanford-SLAC Quantum Science and Engineering Initiative Stanford (2020)
  • Mark Kasevich, Stanford University, US (2019) 
  • Mikhail Lukin, Harvard Univ., USA (2018)
  • Paul Kwiat, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (2017) 
  • H. Jeff Kimble, California Inst of Technology, USA (2016) 
  • Jean-Michel Raimond, Universite Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, France  (2015) 

About the Endowment


Image for keeping the session alive