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Strong MIR Femtosecond Laser Development and Its Applications in Soft X-Ray Source Generation

Hosted By: Short Wavelength Sources and Attosecond/High Field Physics Technical Group

02 June 2023 8:00 - 9:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

High-energy mid-infrared (MIR) femtosecond laser sources have attracted considerable attentions owing to their advantages in generating a highly coherent and compact ultrafast soft x-ray source and investigating high-field laser sciences. In this webinar hosted by the Short Wavelength Sources and Attosecond/High Field Physics Technical Group, Yuxi Fu will introduce his work on developing TW-class MIR femtosecond laser pulses and its application in generating nJ class soft x-ray source through high-order harmonic generation.

Prof. Fu has developed a dual-chirped optical parametric amplification (DC-OPA) method, which can overcome the difficulties of a standard OPA in energy scaling of MIR pulses. In the DC-OPA scheme, a broadband laser of which pulse duration is tunable from fs to 100 ps or longer is used as a pump for an OPA. He has obtained multi-TW class MIR fs pulses with maximum pulse energy over 100 mJ in 1-4 μm by DC-OPA, and strong 3-20 μm pulses after the difference frequency generation. These high-energy MIR pulses are used for generating strong soft x-ray pulses up to the water window region, under a loosely focusing geometry. Due to the good phase matching condition, Prof. Fu obtained high conversion efficiency.

Subject Matter Level: Intermediate - Assumes basic knowledge of the topic

What You Will Learn:
• How to develop strong MIR femtosecond laser pulses
• How to generate intense/compact/coherent soft x-ray attosecond pulses
• Near edge X-ray absorption fine structure experiment using high-order harmonic source

Who Should Attend:
• Graduate students interested in intense and ultrashort laser technology
• Researchers of ultrafast laser technology, attosecond science and technology
• Researchers of applications in absorption spectroscopy and imaging


About the Presenter: Yuxi Fu from The Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Yuxi Fu is a Professor in Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics (XIOPM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Deputy Director of XIOPM Fundamental Research Department and Center for Attosecond Science and Technology, Visiting Scientist of RIKEN, Senior member of Optica and Chinese Optical Society. He got his Ph.D. in Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS in 2010. Then he moved to RIKEN in Japan to work on ultrashort and strong laser science and technology. From 2019, he joined XIOPM to focus on advanced laser technology and applications. He made prominent advances in strong midinfrared femtosecond (10-15s) and soft X-ray attosecond (10-18s) laser sources. His work has been made press release by RIKEN and Laser Focus World and chosen as Nature Collection for celebrating 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics. He has also won the 13th Osaka University Kondo Prize and the 2nd RIKEN BAIHO Award. He is Associate Editor and Chief Managing Editor of Ultrafast Science.

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