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Exploiting Multiple Scattering of Light for Computing

Hosted By: Optoelectronics Technical Group

08 June 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

Light propagation in complex media, such as paint, clouds, or biological tissues, is a very challenging phenomenon, encompassing fundamental aspects in mesoscopic and statistical physics. It is also of utmost applied interest, in particular for imaging, where control of the incident light (wavefront shaping) has allowed tremendous advances.

In this webinar hosted by the Optoelectronics Technical Group, Sylvain Gigan will discuss how computational tools and machine learning allows to develop further wavefront shaping in complex media, to leverage this complexity for various optical computing tasks, from reservoir computing, classification, to ising simulators.

What You Will Learn:
• Basics of light scattering in complex media
• Basics of optical computing and optical machine learning

Who Should Attend:
• Early career researchers interested in optics of complex media and their application
• Early career researchers in optical machine learning

About the Presenter: Sylvain Gigan from Sorbonne Université

Sylvain Gigan is Professor of Physics at Sorbonne Université in Paris, and group leader in Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel, at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, Paris). His research interests range from fundamental investigations of light propagation in complex media, biomedical imaging, computational imaging, signal processing, to quantum optics and quantum information in complex media. He is also the cofounder of a spin-off: LightOn ( aiming at performing optical computing for machine learning and Big Data.

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