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Agile Endoscopy via Meta-Optics

Hosted By: Molecular Probes and Nanobio-optics Technical Group

22 May 2023 10:00 - 11:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

Ultrathin and flexible forward-viewing endoscopes are critically important for treating many cardiovascular diseases. Current medical instruments based on traditional refractive optics are too bulky to be used deep in the brain and in diseased coronary arteries. To reach locations of stroke in the brain, the rigid tip length in an angioscope must be reduced to be less than the diameter of the scope, which is only 1-2 millimeters. Emerging nanophotonics and metamaterial technology can help achieve this clinically significant miniaturization.

Meta-optics provide a large number of degrees of freedom to design completely new types of optical elements. Multi-scale electromagnetic simulation coupled with optimization techniques has already enabled the design of a meta-optic combining functionalities of multiple optical elements. In conjunction with a computational backend, meta-optics can also capture aberration-free images in full color.

In this webinar, Arka Majumdar will discuss how he has used meta-optics to reduce the rigid tip length in scanning fiber endoscopy and coherent fiber bundle-based endoscopy. Additionally, Dr. Majumdar will talk about a new type of endoscope, termed as Spectrally Encoded Non-Scanning Endoscopy (SENSE), that can capture spatial information through an optical fiber exploiting spatial-spectral encoding. Finally, Dr. Majumdar will also talk about emerging opportunities and challenges in meta-optical endoscopy.

Subject Matter Level: Intermediate - Assumes basic knowledge of the topic

What You Will Learn:
• Design of meta-optics
• Use of meta-optics for endoscopy/angioscopy
• Inverse design of the meta-optics

Who Should Attend:
• Researchers, engineers, and students in the biomedical optics field

About the Presenter: Arka Majumdar from the University of Washington

Prof. Arka Majumdar is an Associate Professor in the departments of ECE and Physics at the University of Washington. He received B. Tech. from IIT-Kharagpur, where he was honored with the President’s Gold Medal. He completed his MS and PhD in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. He spent one year at the University of California, Berkeley, and then in Intel Labs as postdoc before joining UW. His research interests include developing a hybrid nanophotonic platform using emerging material systems for optical information science, imaging, and microscopy. He is the recipient of multiple Young Investigator Awards from the AFOSR, NSF, ONR and DARPA, Intel early career faculty award, Amazon Catalyst Award, Alfred P. Sloan fellowship, UW college of engineering outstanding junior faculty award, iCANX Young Scientist Award and IIT-Kharagpur Young Alumni Achiever Award. He is co-founder and technical advisor of Tunoptix, a startup commercializing software defined meta-optics.

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