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Emerging Waveform Technology for 6G Optical and Wireless Access

Hosted By: Optical Communications Technical Group

15 February 2023 11:30 - 12:30

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

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Communication technologies have a profound impact on every aspect of our lives and advances to date are just the beginning, nonetheless. The next-generation wireless and optical technologies will not only provide extremely high data rates and low latency but also will enable the “hyper-connected” paradigm that will connect both human and machine users to support many vertical industries and applications

The use of appropriate waveform over both the wireless and optical channels is essential for efficient data transmission to the end users. The choice of the waveform, such as single-carrier or multicarrier, will directly determine the capacity, sensitivity, performance, complexity and flexibility of the system.

In this webinar hosted by the Optical Communications Technical Group, Xing Ouyang will introduce the emerging orthogonal chirp-division multiplexing (OCDM) waveform technology for use in both the wireless and optical systems and compare its performance with the more familiar orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. The performance of these waveforms for the passive optical network and millimeter wave radio-over-fiber systems will be presented as a solution for future optical-wireless convergence.

What You Will Learn:
• An overview of new Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform
• An overview of millimeter wave radio-over-fiber link for wireless systems

Who Should Attend:
• Researchers/Engineers in optical communication systems
• Researchers/Engineers in fiber-wireless systems

About the Presenter: Xing Ouyang, Tyndall National Institute

Xing Ouyang is a Research Fellow at the Tyndall National Institute and University College Cork, Ireland. Xing completed his Ph.D. thesis in 2017 from the Photonic Systems Group of the SFI Irish Photonics Integration Centre led by Prof. Paul Townsend in Ireland. His current research interest includes information theory, advanced modulation formats such as OCDM and OFDM and DSP techniques for communication and radar, high speed wireless and optical systems. His work on the orthogonal chirp division multiplexing waveform has helped him to secure a start-up grant for the “ChirpComm” initiative. Xing has recently secured a prestigious Starting and Consolidator Laureate Award from the Irish Research Council to further advance his ChirpComm technology.

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