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Ethics as a Leader

21 June 2021 15:00 - 16:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

Have you ever been asked to do something that pushed your ethical boundaries? During this workshop you will explore your own personal ethical standards and how to verbally express them. They are crucial for the future of society and the key to sustainable development. Discover how ethics relate to your bigger vision and begin to separate out your purpose and mission from the bigger why. Leave with clarity on your vision, purpose and mission and break this down into a 5-year plan mapped back to achievable milestones. The purpose of this session is to: • Become consciously aware of and verbally express what your personal ethical boundaries are. What becomes intolerable and unacceptable ethically and where are the limits? • Build awareness of the importance of ethics as they relate to your vision. • Raise your vision to express the greatest “why” in your life. Separate out your purpose and mission from your vision. • Formulate a 5 year plan mapped back to achievable milestones you need to be hitting to get you there.

Hannah Roberts is a career coach and professional skills trainer. During her extensive academic and industrial career, she took research from concept to start-up. Since 2018, she has been a qualified and regulated coach; trained in Talent Dynamics profiling. Specialising in team dynamics, career planning, online networking and social media skills, research planning and funding, commercialisation and management tools. Hannah has a particular passion for diversity and inclusion and women's leadership development.

Image for keeping the session alive