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Communicating as a Leader

07 June 2021 15:00 - 16:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

There are four distinctive yet complimentary style of communication we all use every day. Harness these styles to build and maintain rapport with an individual or group and manage difficult conversations. Use specific tools to promote effective feedback and handle criticism with ease. You’ll leave with a 3-part action plan for your own leadership development and tools to support your communication style. The purpose of this session is to: -The 4 social styles and how to use them effectively to manage conversations. -Understand how you communicate upward, downward and horizontally. -Explore the challenges in communication with others and discover non-confrontational conversation templates for conflict resolution. -Learn how to set boundaries, say no gracefully and delegate effectively. -Use specific tools for promoting effective feedback and handling criticism with ease.

Hannah Roberts is a career coach and professional skills trainer. During her extensive academic and industrial career, she took research from concept to start-up. Since 2018, she has been a qualified and regulated coach; trained in Talent Dynamics profiling. Specialising in team dynamics, career planning, online networking and social media skills, research planning and funding, commercialisation and management tools. Hannah has a particular passion for diversity and inclusion and women's leadership development.

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