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Building Personal Resilience

30 June 2020 10:00 - 11:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

We all face adversity. Our individual resilience involves our behaviors, thoughts and actions that promote our personal well-being and mental health. We will be joined by a special guest who is a Resiliency Coach and former Military Nursing Officer with a specialty in cardiovascular diagnostics. Together, we go through practical exercises to help improve your resiliency and manage your emotions.

Cathy Sorbara is a neuroscientist and passionate about raising the voices of women. For 10 years she worked as a researcher in academia in Canada and Germany, studying neurodegenerative diseases. But when she moved to England, Cathy decided to explore a different path. She became Chief Operations Officer of a start-up company called Cheeky Scientist, a global professional network that helps PhDs see their value and find meaningful work outside of academia.

Mary Jane Roy is a corporate well-being adviser, (online) facilitator & presenter, supporting people to thrive in their (work)spaces. Her belief? With the proper knowledge & tools, we all can improve our resiliency to what life brings onto our path AND thrive in life. One of her goals as owner of Creating Waves, is to bring a greater level of (personal) well-being awareness, so that individuals and organizations make the right choices to flourish. She is certified as a: Stress Counselor; Resiliency Coach; Happiness @ Work (Team) Coach; Foundations of Positive Psychology Univ. of Penn & Science of Well-being Yale Univ. (Coursera); Skogsfloating Trainer; Sleep Coach; NLP Master Practitioner. Mary Jane’s early career, with a specialty in cardiovascular diagnostics as a Military Nursing Officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, has further supported her.

Image for keeping the session alive