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PhD-Level Transferable Skills That Stand Out During Economic Downturns (& How To Communicate Them Virtually)

22 April 2020 14:00 - 15:00

Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC - 05:00)

The global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company recently released a report showing that there is a 20% deficit in the job market for job candidates who can do two things - research, and analysis. These two transferable skills are key skill that all PhDs have regardless of their background and makes them highly valuable job candidates, especially in times of uncertainty. In this webinar, we will detail the top 10 transferable skills that PhDs need to communicate on their resume and during their job search as a while, as well as the 3 categories of core competencies that PhDs must master and leverage in order to get hired in industry.

Alejandra Viviescas, PhD is an experienced STEM communicator with expertise in scientific, engineering and medical writing, as well as project management and change management. She is a globally recognized presenter who has developed numerous programs on PhD careers in data science, regulatory affairs, biologics, engineering and more.Alejandra Viviescas, PhD is an experienced STEM communicator with expertise in scientific, engineering and medical writing, as well as project management and change management. She is a globally recognized presenter who has developed numerous programs on PhD careers in data science, regulatory affairs, biologics, engineering and more.

Elliott Brecht, PhD is a former Genentech scientist & strategies with expertise in engineering and biomedicine. He is an international traveler and speaker with extensive experience in managing PhDs and in developing PhD careers.Elliott Brecht, PhD is a former Genentech scientist & strategies with expertise in engineering and biomedicine. He is an international traveler and speaker with extensive experience in managing PhDs and in developing PhD careers.

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