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Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources

23 March 2022 – 25 March 2022 Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

The Mid-IR spectrum covering wavelengths from ~2 µm up to THz has become a region of increased interest in recent years. The region is rich in spectroscopic fingerprints of molecules, which are used to identify pollutants for chemical, environmental and medical diagnostics, for process control, as well as for safety, security and defense applications. This meeting will be focused on the most recent advances in mid-IR to THz science and technology, including the latest developments in solid-state and fiber lasers, semiconductor and quantum cascade lasers, nonlinear materials, frequency conversion devices and parametric sources, high-energy and high-intensity lasers, integrated photonics for frequency combs and continuum generation, as well as the application of mid-IR and THz sources in remote sensing, spectroscopy, frequency synthesis, imaging, and biomedicine.



1.  Materials for mid-IR and THz Sources: 

  • Active ion-doped dielectric and semiconductor crystals
  • Semiconductor materials and structures
  • Specialty nonlinear fibers
  • Nanomaterials
  • Nonlinear optical materials and structures

2.  Mid-IR and THz Coherent Sources: 

  • Semiconductor lasers
  • Mid-IR and THz quantum cascade lasers
  • Optically pumped semiconductor lasers
  • Solid-state and fiber lasers
  • Optical parametric oscillators and amplifiers
  • Ultrashort pulse lasers and frequency combs
  • High-intensity ultrafast sources
  • High-power, high-energy sources
  • Broadband and continuum sources
  • Synchrotron radiation sources
  • Integrated photonics for frequency combs and continuum generation
  • THz generation with ultrashort pulsed lasers and nonlinear optics
  • Nonclassical mid-IR sources
  • Metamaterial enabled mid-IR technology

3.  Applications of mid-IR and THz sources in:

  • Remote sensing, imaging, astronomy
  • Spectroscopy, trace gas detection, breath analysis
  • Optical frequency synthesis, comb spectroscopy
  • Laser surgery, biomedicine
  • Materials processing
  • Optical microscopy, biophotonics
  • Nonlinear optics, attoscience



  • Scott Diddams, National Inst of Standards & TechnologyUnited States  Plenary
  • Oliver Heckl, Universitat WienAustria
    Spectrally Tunable High-Power Low-Noise Yb:fiber-based Chirped Pulse Amplifier for Mid-IR Light Generation
  • Jonas Heidrich, ETH ZürichSwitzerland
    SESAMs for high-power Ho-doped lasers at 2.1 µm
  • Jana Jagerska, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
    Photonic Integrated Sensors for Trace Gas Spectroscopy
  • Alireza Marandi, California Institute of TechnologyUnited States
    Machine Learning Improved Laser-Plasma Acceleration
  • Ioachim Pupeza, Max-Planck-Institut fur QuantenoptikGermany
    High-sensitivity Infrared Field-resolved Spectroscopy
  • Sven Ramelow, Humboldt Universität zu BerlinGermany
    Spectroscopy and Imaging with Undetected Mid-IR Photons
  • Clara Saraceno, Ruhr Universitat BochumGermany
    Advances in High-power and High-repetition Rate THz Sources
  • Benedikt Schwarz, Technische Universität WienAustria
    Intra-oscillator High Harmonic Generation Inside an Ultrafast Thin-disk laser – a Single-stage, MHz-repetition-rate XUV Source
  • Grzegorz Sobon, Politechnika WroclawskaPoland
    Compact Fiber-based Mid-infrared Frequency Comb Sources
  • Gerard Wysocki, Princeton UniversityUnited States
    Mid-infrared Quantum Cascade Laser Frequency Combs for Spectroscopic Chemical Sensing – Recent Progress and Applications



  • Majid Ebrahim-Zadeh, ICFO, Spain
  • Amr Helmy, University of Toronto, Canada
  • Giuseppe Leo, University of Paris, Diderot, France
  • Peter Schunemann, BAE Systems, USA
  • Takunori Taira, NIMS, Japan
  • Christian Pedersen, DTU, Denmark
  • S. Chaitanya Kumar, ICFO, Spain
  • Aleksandra Foltynowicz, Umea University, Sweden
  • Goutam Samanta , Physical Research Laboaratory, India
  • Helena Jelinkova, Czech Technical University, Czechia
  • Angela Vasanelli , Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, France
  • Miriam Serena Vitiello, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
  • Alessia Pasquazi, Sussex University, UK
  • Uwe Griebner, Max Born, Germany
  • Michael Hemmer, JILA/NIST, USA
  • Scott Setzler, Fibertek, USA
  • Antoine Godard, ONERA, France


Plenary Session

Scott Diddams

National Institute of Standards & Technology, USA

An Optical Sampling Oscilloscope

I will intorduce the principles of a sampling oscilloscope based on dual optical frequency combs that has bandwidth of 100THz. Applications in precision infrared spectroscopy, microscopy and quantum electric field metrology will be described.

About the Speaker

Scott Diddams is a Fellow of the National Institute of Standards and Technology and Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he carries out experimental research in the fields of precision spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, microwave photonics and ultrafast lasers. He has pioneered the use of optical frequency combs for optical clocks, tests of fundamental physics, novel spectroscopy in the visible and mid-infrared, and ultralow noise frequency synthesis. In recent years, a focus has been on infrared frequency comb sources as well as high repetition rate electro-optic and microresonator frequency combs, which are being explored for applications in spectroscopy, microwave photonics and astronomy. Among many awards, Dr. Diddams received the Department of Commerce gold and silver medals for "revolutionizing the way frequency is measured” as well as the Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE) and the IEEE Rabi award. He is a Fellow of Optica and the American Physical Society.

Chang Hee Nam

Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea

Ultrahigh Intensity Laser for strong field physics research

Ultrahigh intensity lasers have opened up research opportunities in charged particle acceleration and strong field quantum electrodynamics. By tightly focusing a wavefront-corrected multi-PW laser the record-breaking laser intensity of 1023 W/cm2 was realized at CoReLS.

About the Speaker

Chang Hee Nam received his Ph. D. in plasma physics from Princeton University. After working at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory as a staff research physicist, he joined Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and became a full professor in 1998. He established Coherent X-ray Research Center for the investigation of attosecond science. After moving to Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) in 2012, he launched the Center for Relativistic Laser Science (CoReLS), a research center of Institute for Basic Science (IBS), for the exploration of strong field physics using femtosecond PW lasers. He is a fellow of American Physical Society and of Optica.

Sakura Pascarelli

European XFEL, Germany

The European XFEL: new science opportunities and first results

The EuXFEL is the first hard XFEL powered by a superconducting accelerator. Six instruments started user operation between 2017 and 2019. I will report first results from early experiments, and comment on important challenges ahead.

About the Speaker

Sakura Pascarelli received a Laurea in Physics at the University La Sapienza (Rome, Italy) and a PhD degree in Physics at the University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France). After joining the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF, Grenoble, France) in 1993, her scientific career evolved around the development of methods to probe the local and electronic structure of condensed matter by synchrotron X-rays. In the past twenty years, her main scientific interest was the investigation of matter at extreme conditions of pressure, temperature and magnetic fields using principally X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Magnetic Linear and Circular Dichroism. She was in charge of the x-ray absorption spectroscopy beamlines ID24 (1997-2019) and BM23 (2000-2019), Head of the Electronic Structure and Magnetism Group (2012-2015) and Head of the Matter at Extremes Group (2015-2019). In September 2019 she joined the European XFEL (Hamburg, Germany) as Scientific Director responsible for the development of the scientific program on the four short-waved hard X-ray instruments.


Special Events

Ultra-high intensity lasers around the world

Tuesday, 22 March 17:00 – 18:00

Join this global panel to learn what to expect from the world’s most high brightness sources in the coming years. Panelists will also discuss how to sign up for experiments, apply for funding, and upcoming research campaigns. Time will be reserved for questions with the panelists.

Constantin Häfner, Fraunhofer Institut für Lasertechnik, Germany

Kramer Akli, Department of Energy, USA
Colin Danson, AWE, UK
Chang Hee Nam, Gwangju Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea
Allen Weeks, ELI, Czechia

Technology Showcase: From EUV to SXR: Next-Gen Metrology and Inspection Sources

Wednesday, 23 March 10:00 – 10:20

Speaker: Bill Solari, Senior Product Manager, EUV,  Energetiq Technology

As a leader in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) source development, Energetiq has over 50 sources in the field being used in materials research and high-volume manufacturing applications. Next generation metrology and inspection sources need higher power, higher numerical aperture (NA) and more brightness. Beyond EUV, emerging soft x-ray (SXR) technology is unlocking a small footprint alternative to synchrotrons with a lower cost-of-ownership and higher availability. This showcase will address the challenges of current technology and solutions that will reveal the future of metrology and inspection sources.

Lasers and Free-Electron Lasers Session

Thursday, 24 March 09:00 – 11:00

Conventional lasers and laser based secondary sources as well as Free-Electron Lasers have made tremendous progress over the last decades in terms of key parameters such as pulse duration, average power and energy as well as wavelength coverage. In addition conventional lasers are indispensable tools in advanced Free-Electron Laser facilities and related experiments. This session brings together key players in these areas to review progress and speculate about possibilities for the future given recent advances in both fields.

Franz Kaertner, Universität Hamburg, Germany

Carlo Callegari, FERMI, Italy
AMO Science with a temporally-coherent seeded FEL

Zhirong Huang, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
High-power, high-brightness X-ray FEL development at LCLS

Heung-Sik Kang, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Korea
High brightness XFEL R&D of the PAL-XFEL

Agostino Marinelli, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
Attosecond pump/probe experiments at the Linac Coherent Light Source

Eiji Takahashi, RIKEN, Japan
High efficiency ultrafast soft x-ray harmonic generation which is a complementary partner to Free Electron Lasers

Kensuke Tono, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute, Japan
SACLA: XFEL Facility for Scientific Applications

Technology Showcase: Novel Optics for Optimizing the 4th Generation Sychrotron Radiation Facility

Thursday, 24 March 16:30 – 16:50

Speaker: Yoshio Ichii, Ph.D., Group Lead and Senior Manager of Sales Department, JTEC Corporation

We, JTEC Corporation, have manufactured various High-Precision X-ray Mirrors by using EEM, nano-fabrication technology, and RADSI and MSI, nano-measurements derived from the collaboration work between Osaka University and RIKEN SPring8. 
Since the start of our fabrication, we have delivered approximately 1,100 high precision X-ray mirrors to facilities worldwide, as of March 2022. 
Yoshio Ichii will give an overview of product examples: Super Polished KB mirror; Advanced KB Mirror; Ellipsoidal Mirror; and Deformable Mirror.

Congress Reception

Thursday, 24 March 18:30 – 20:00

Join your peers at the High-brightness Congress Reception aboard the SS Armada as it takes a memorable cruise down the Danube, with nighttime views of the stunning cities of Buda and Pest. The reception is available for technical attendees with a EUR 10 reservation fee and EUR 65 for non-registered guests who wish to attend.

Tour of ELI ALPS

Saturday, 26 March 09:30 – 16:30

Join fellow High-brightness Congress attendees on an exclusive tour of the ELI ALPS facility. The day will start will an introductory talk in the conference hall, focusing on the science and experiments performed at ELI ALPS, followed by a guided tour of the facility where you will be introduced to the implemented research infrastructure, the main fields of research, and the special features of the building complex. The tour will conclude with lunch served on site at ELI ALPS. Transportation to and from the facility will be provided. The shuttle will depart the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus in Budapest at 09:30 and will return to the hotel at approximately 16:30. 

Image for keeping the session alive