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Susana Marcos

Photo of Susana Marcos

Awards & Distinctions

Optica Fellow Susana Marcos received her MS (1992) and PhD (1996) degrees in Physics from the University of Salamanca (Spain). She carried out her predoctoral research at the Instituto de Óptica, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IO-CSIC), Madrid, Spain, in the field of physiological optics, working on a novel technique to resolve the foveal cones in vivo. She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for three years at Stephen A. Burns Lab at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Harvard University. She was recipient of Fulbright and Human Frontier Science Postdoctoral Fellowships.

She is currently a Professor of Research, at IO-CSIC and the Director of the Visual Optics and Biophotonics Lab, where she oversees >25 members from 6 different nationalities and multidisciplinary backgrounds (Physics, Biomedical, Optical, Biomechanical, Computer and Electrical Engineering, Visual Sciences, Ophthalmology, Chemistry, etc.). In the last 12 years, 17 PhD students have graduated under her supervision. Prof.  Marcos is also a frequent lecturer in Masters, PhD, and CE programs.

Susana Marcos has pioneered research in novel techniques to assess the optical properties of the ocular optics and the human retina.  Major contributions include the development of Ocular Speckle Interferometry, Wavefront Sensing, Adaptive Optics, Quantiative Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography, with applications in the evaluation, improvement and/or new developments in laser refractive surgery, intraocular lenses, and the treatment of keratoconus and presbyopia, among others. She has published more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, and has delivered over 200 lectures in international conferences or research centers. She is an inventor in 17 families of patents, 11 licensed to industry, and is a co-founder of 2EyesVision. 

Her work has been recognized with numerous prestigious awards, including the Adolph Lomb Medal, awarded by the Optical Society, the European Young Investigator Award, from EURHORCs-ESF, the ICO Prize awarded by the International Commission for Optics, Honoris Causa Doctorship by the Ukraine Academy of Science and Technology,  European Research Council Advanced Grant and Physics, Innovation and Technology Award from the Spanish Royal Society of Physics-Fundacion BBVA, Alcon Research Institute Award and Rey Jaime I Award.

Prof. Marcos has been Director of IO-CSIC (2008-2012), Chair in different committees in scientific societies (Sociedad Española de Óptica, Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology, The Optical Society), elected Director-at-Large of The Optical Society (2012-2015) and, currently, she is an Associate Editor in “Optica”, Faculty in Madrid MIT M+Vision Consortium, Member of the Real Sociedad Española de Física and Vicepresident of the Scientific Advisory Board Spanish Research Agency.


Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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