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Louis F DiMauro

Photo of Louis F DiMauro

Awards & Distinctions

Louis F DiMauro earned his B.S from Hunter College CUNY in 1975 and his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in 1980. He began his career at BNL as a chemist from 1988 until 2004. During these years, he was also a Guest Physicist at LLNL, and Adjunct Professor of Physics at Stony Brook. In 2004, he became the Hagenlocker Chair of Physics at Ohio State University. He received the 2013 William F. Meggers Award from OSA “for contributions to precision measurements of nonsequential double ionization, exploration of strong field interaction scaling properties from mid-infrared to x-ray and innovative experiments of time-resolved molecular imaging.” He is also a Fellow of OSA, APS, and AAAS.

Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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