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Leo M. Hurvich

Photo of Leo M. Hurvich

Awards & Distinctions

Leo M Hurvich completed his education at Harvard University, completing his doctorate in 1936. He stayed there until 1947 when he joined the Color Technology Division at Eastman Kodak. Hurvich stayed there for ten years, and then moved to New York University to become the Chair of Undergraduate Psychology. In 1962, he made his last move to the University of Pennsylvania from which he retired in 1979. However, he remained active in the field, publishing the book Color Vision in 1980. He was a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the New York Academy of Sciences, and OSA. In 1982, he received OSA’s Edgar D. Tillyer Award with his colleague Dorothea Jameson “in recognition of their contributions to our understanding of the visual process.”

Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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