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Jean Dalibard

Photo of Jean Dalibard

Awards & Distinctions

Jean Dalibard is a professor at Collège de France and a researcher at the Kastler Brossel Laboratory. He is also a professor at the École Polytechnique, and he directed the École des physique des Houches from 2001 to 2006. He was a visiting researcher at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, USA, at the Cavendish laboratory at the University of Cambridge, UK, and has taught at several foreign universities.

He is a Fellow of the Society and recipient of the 2012 Max Born Award, for groundbreaking theoretical work on atom-light interactions, including the elucidation of new laser cooling mechanisms, and for seminal experimental work on the optical manipulation of cold atoms and quantum gassesd.

Other top achievements include the Gustave Ribaud Prize and the Mergier Bourdiex Prize both of the Academy of Sciences, the Jean Ricard Prize of the French Society of Physics, the Blaise Pascal Medal from the European Academy of Science, the Three Physicists Award from the Fondation de France, the American Physical Society’s Davisson-Germer Prize, and the BEC Award.

Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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