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Curtis J. Humphreys

Photo of Curtis J. Humphreys

Awards & Distinctions

Curtis J Humphreys was born in Ohio, USA in 1898. He earned an AB degree at Ohio Wesleyan in 1918, an MS at the University of Kentucky in 1921, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Michigan in 1928. He then joined the National Bureau of Standards where he spent most of the years between 1928 and 1953. When the Corona Laboratories of NBS were transferred to the Department of Navy in 1953, Humphreys became head of the infrared division at Corona, and in 1957, head of the research department, the post he held until his retirement in 1967. Three months after his retirement he rejoined the laboratory at Corona as a research associate, continuing his basic research until the dissolution of the laboratories in May 1969. He went immediately to Purdue University as a research associate in the physics department where he continued active work in atomic spectroscopy for another three years.

He made many contributions to the field of spectroscopy, and was recognized for these achievements throughout his career. He received OSA’s William F. Meggers Award in 1973.

Humphreys passed away in 1986.

Document Created: 27 Oct 2022
Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022

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