The Optica (formerly OSA) News RSS Optica (formerly OSA) News 2024 Optica Thu, 19 Sep 2024 12:38:29 -0400 Leica Microsystems's EnFocus Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Development Team Wins Optica’s 2022 Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award Leica Microsystems's EnFocus Intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography Development Team receives the 2022 Paul F. Forman Team Engineering Excellence Award, recognized for their groundbreaking development of a new optical coherence tomography system to improve ophthalmic care. Optica announces 2022 Treasurer’s Award recipient Announcing the 2022 recipient of the Optica Treasurer's Award, Kari Apter! Kari is recognized for her service as a selfless leader and respected ambassador to Optica’s most valuable resource, its global community of volunteers and members. Researchers capture first images of carbon dioxide emissions from commercial aircraft engine Researchers have used a novel near-infrared light imaging technique to capture the first cross-sectional images of carbon dioxide in the exhaust plume of a commercial jet engine. This new state-of-the-art technology could help accelerate turbine combustion research aimed at developing engines and aviation fuels that are more environmentally friendly. New story in Optica campaign celebrates leading female physicist Optica has published the second story in its Optica Community series, celebrating Colombian theoretical physicist Ana Maria Rey. “The (Atomic) Clockmaker” reveals Rey’s pursuit of her passion for physics, leading to her development of the world's most accurate atomic clocks. Three Optica Fellows elected to the Royal Academy of Engineering, United Kingdom Optica Fellows Chennupati Jagadish, Adrian Podoleanu, and Sergei Turitsyn are elected fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering for their exceptional contributions to engineering and technology. Metasurface engineered to create three different images depending on illumination Researchers have developed a metasurface device that can display three types of images depending on the illumination light. The new device, published in Optics Express, could be used as an anticounterfeiting measure or offer a new way to securely deliver encrypted information. New imaging technique could speed up development of eye disease treatments Researchers have developed a simple and fast way to perform optoretinography, an imaging technique that measures light-induced functional activity in the eye’s retina, the network of neurons in the back of our eyes responsible for detecting light and initiating vision. The new approach, published in Optica, could help accelerate the development of new treatments for eye diseases. The (Atomic) Clockmaker How a woman from Colombia overcame obstacles to become a leading theoretical physicist and develop the world’s most accurate atomic clock. New endoscope uses bendable GRIN lens for 3D microscopy Researchers have developed a flexible, graded index (GRIN) lens for use in medical imaging. As described in Optics Express, the new GRIN lens can be combined with an endoscope to acquire 3D microscopic images of tissues, even when bent. Optica to support the Wyant Challenge Matching Program at the University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics Optica announced an $800,000 gift to fund an endowed position at the University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics. The first distinguished professorship will be named Donna Strickland, 2018 Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2013 Optica President, and a University of Rochester alumnus